FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1835

Where have you been?)
is it him or her?
Daniil Stolnikov:
And what is the reasoning behind your arguments? Well, they did not go down today - they flew all day. They are waiting for tomorrow's news. That's why they went up - is not clear. Probably on the news from the Americans. So? It's not clear where.

I'm amused by Audi today - walking against all odds - dollar up, it's down. The dollar's down, it's up.) Can you explain the situation? No levels, no options? А? ))

I told you it was predetermined back at the end of May. Now they're recruiting hamsters like you who fall for such childish tricks. )))

On audi you should have bought 01.06, 04.06 and 05.06 to share and still sit with an open position. )))

Anatoli Kazharski:

I told you it was predetermined back at the end of May. Now they're recruiting hamsters like you who fall for such childish tricks. )))

On audi you should have bought 01.06, 04.06 and 05.06 to share and still sit with an open position. )))

At the end of May it means.
Anatoli Kazharski:

I told you it was predetermined back at the end of May. Now they're recruiting hamsters like you who fall for such childish tricks. )))

On audi you should have bought 01.06, 04.06 and 05.06 to share and still sit with an open position. )))

Predestined only by the Creator ))) Don't be a mystery, buddy!!! ;)

you better explain in a normal way what moves the crowd today? or the price?
Anatoli Kazharski:

I told you it was predetermined back at the end of May. Now they're recruiting hamsters like you who fall for such childish tricks. )))

On audi you should have bought 01.06, 04.06 and 05.06 to share and still sit with an open position. )))

Here's another picture for you:

Alexey Busygin:
End of May means

Yeah, well, no surprise there. It's just business as usual. ;)

Daniil Stolnikov:
Predetermined only by the Creator )) Don't guess, buddy!!! ;)

You better explain to me what's really driving the crowd today? Or the price?

I'm not guessing, unlike you.

The crowd is driven by the lust for profit. )) And with some data this pendulum principle can be tracked quite accurately. ;)

Anatoli Kazharski:

Yeah, well, no surprise there. It's just business as usual. ;)

I don't guess or wonder, unlike you.

The crowd is driven by the lust for profit. )) And with some data this pendulum principle can be tracked quite accurately. ;)

You said it yourself - the pendulum - swing one way - swing the other. So I drew you a swing ))
Daniil Stolnikov:
Here's another picture for you:

What do the results of the history tests say about all the symbols available? )
Anatoli Kazharski:
What do the results of the history tests say about all the available characters? )
read above - pendulum - oscillations and waves
Daniil Stolnikov:
You said it yourself - the pendulum - swing one way - swing the other. So I drew you a swing ))

You drew nonsense. And you haven't understood the principle of the pendulum yet. It's not your drawings that move the pendulum, it's the money. ;)