Looking for a [trading] teacher! - page 11

Yuriy Zaytsev:
this can easily be found out - yes he puts stops

No, he doesn't. I recently had a 24 per cent drawdown on his signal, I was sitting on it. There are psychological problems with closing one-percent losses, which leads to losing deposits. I am not trying to criticize anything, I am struggling with similar problems myself. That is why I am not qualified to be a teacher.

I have tried to examine the psychology of trading in a complex manner. I have grouped the reasons for problems in manual trading:

Wants to earn on every good movement, having a feeling of dissatisfaction when the train has left without you. The result - the problem with the entries.
You want to gain much at once. As a result they want to enter with big lot and choose the account with big leverage to implement it.
If you have profit on the deal after the good movement, it is not fixed, you want more. The result is ignoring targets, sitting out profits to b/c or in deficit.

Sitting "out of the market" is boring. The result - spontaneous entries, often without an objective reason.

With a successful trade or series of trades. Adrenaline in blood begs for action.As a result - ill-conceived entries.

Fear of price movement in the other direction. Usually when you open too big lot with big leverage. The result is closing the position with the loss.
The fear
of the price reversal. Usually when you open with too big lot and big leverage.The result - closing of the transaction in a small profit.
After a series of losing trades, distrust of the signals.The result is missing the signals and jumping on the leaving trains.

Hope "the price will come back".Result - overlapping of losses and deposit withdrawal.

For each reason, the trader must have a remedy (apart from the right trading signals). Or even so: a trading strategy must take into account all of the above psychological problems.

Igor Volodin:

No, he doesn't. I recently had a 24 per cent drawdown on his signal, I was sitting on it. There are psychological problems with closing one-percent losses, which leads to losing deposits. I am not trying to criticize anything, I am struggling with similar problems myself. That is why I am not qualified to be a teacher.

I have tried to examine the psychology of trading in a complex manner. I have grouped the causes of problems in manual trading:





For each reason, a trader must have a remedy (in addition to the right trading signals). Or even so: a trading strategy should fundamentally take into account all of the above psychological problems.

This description of psychology is only suitable for addicts and persons prone to it. )
Ivan Vagin:
I want to be a master trader!

I, at one time, was taught on one of the stock exchange forums in 3-4 posts.) Told me how to walk, how to pass. And the process began.

I would tell you, but it was a long time ago and have already forgotten. But, to make a long story short:

- read (or don't take for granted) less TA books and other manuals.

- The simpler the better (within reason),

- never guess where the market will go (you don't care where it will go. Where it goes, that's fine))

Yuriy Asaulenko:
Such a description of psychology is only suitable for addicts and persons prone to it. )

Yes you misunderstand, it is not a complete set that is inherent in someone. Sometimes it is enough to have one psychological problem among those listed.

For example, even those who earn 5% a month by trading also have a psychological problem - fear. Could they earn more? They could. But they are afraid.

Igor Volodin:

You've got it wrong, it's not a complete set that someone has. Sometimes it is enough to have one psychological problem out of all those listed.

For example, even those who earn 5% a month by trading also have a psychological problem - fear. Could they earn more? They could. But they are afraid.

Where's the fear coming from? Most people have a deposit of no more than 10% of their capital. Well, it's a bit of a shame, but essentially, don't care about that deposit.

Greed? See point 1.

And wanting to win a million quid from 100 quid, sorry, that's pathology. That's where all your symptoms come in.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Where does the fear come from? The majority.

What majority, those notorious 3-5% of traders (I don't know where this figure comes from, but it's quoted everywhere)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

a deposit of no more than 10% of the capital.

Yes, by the way, here are the ways to combat psychological problems:

But nobody cancelled the problems.)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Well, it is a bit offensive, but in fact, I do not care about this deposit.

I lost one, the second, the third. And then the fear to open the fourth.

Igor Volodin:

Which majority, those notorious 3-5% of traders (I don't know where that figure comes from, but it's quoted everywhere)?

Yes, by the way there are ways to deal with psychological problems:

But no one abolished the problem )

Well one drain, second, third. And then the fear of opening a fourth.

The figure is normal and quite reasonable, I do not know where it is quoted. The market is a business like any other, and even more risky. No normal person would sink everything into a market without calculating the risks and having no idea of the outcome. Have you ever seen a businessman throwing money away on all sorts of projects? You won't.)

And don't open one, it must not be yours. Many did not become sailors, pilots, firemen, musicians, etc. No one in their right mind would repeat the same action several times in a row and expect a different result.

ZS You can calculate the average deposit yourself. The moex.com has statistics on dealers, their clients and their trades.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

No one in their right mind would repeat the same action several times in a row and expect a different result.

Well, there are a lot of examples when they repeat and expect different results. Those areas of activity which require constant training are based on that. But it is better, of course, when there is a coach.

In trading, the appeal is that the rules seem simple and the result is immediately in the money, but it is easy to cross a certain risk line by showing the described (and not described) psychological problems, so 95-97% of those who try their hand in this business end up leaving trading.

Or no longer trade manually, but invest, earn by writing robots to order, etc.

And maybe you just need to sort out your own psyche? Change yourself, find ways to prohibit yourself from doing things that are not necessary?

ZS: Hm, forbidding yourself to trade is also a way to avoid drawdowns )
Igor Volodin:

BUT it is easy to cross a certain risk line by exhibiting the described (and not described) psychological problems, so 95-97% of those who try their hand in this business end up quitting trading.

Or no longer trade manually, but invest, earn by writing robots to order, etc.

Or maybe all you have to do is to get to the bottom of your own psyche? Change yourself, find ways to prohibit yourself from doing things that you should not do?

ZS: Hm, forbidding yourself to trade is also a way to avoid drawdowns )

Well, you are reducing everything to the psyche. However, practically any profession needs mentally healthy people with balanced psyche. Others do not survive in any profession).

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Well, you seem to be reducing everything to the psyche. However, almost any profession needs mentally healthy people with a balanced psyche. Others do not survive in any profession).

Come on, I have a janitor working next door to my house. As a kid he didn't go to school, some serious developmental disability and helped his janitorial mother. Now he's a grown man. He has a happy smile on his face all the time. I don't know how he is with poise, but he is clearly happy with his life. ))