Looking for a [trading] teacher! - page 16

There is a lot of information available on the Internet, how to build a trend line on the chart, price channel, how to use indicators, technical analysis figures, horizontal profile, how to set stops, what volume to enter a position (risk management), and much more. The trading robot is a very important tool to learn how to trade, how to set stops, what volume to enter a position (risk management), and much more. You can learn to earn by yourself, constantly trading and honing your skills, first on a demo account, and then on a real account. And you can save on a trading guru.
Renat Akhtyamov:

TC has left this forum

Personally, I'd be quick to teach

that is:

BUY is to buy, SELL is to sell

that's all


I'm surprised myself, what's so hard? If you see that the symbol will grow in the future, you buy. You see the symbol go down in the future - you sell it...

Looking at people taking out mortgages, knowing their future - I envy them... I don't know the fucking future... That's why I'm not trading... But for mortgagors, you know the future... that's who to look up to...

Georgiy Merts:

I wonder why it's so complicated. If you see a symbol go up in the future, you buy it. You see the symbol go down in price in the future - you sell it...

Looking at how people take out mortgages, knowing their future - I envy people with black envy... I don't know what the future holds... That's why I don't trade... But for mortgagors, you know the future... that's who to look up to...

You won't get a mortgage because of your age and income, don't worry
There is a lot of available information on the Internet, how to build a trend line on the chart, price channel, how to use indicators, technical analysis figures, horizontal profile, how to set stops, how to enter a position with what volume (risk management), and much more. You can learn to earn by yourself, constantly trading and honing your skills, first on a demo account, and then on a real account. And you can save on a trading guru.

I will now translate what you said into plain language... :

All traders are just stupid losers, and lazy! They do not want to do anything, while everything you need to succeed lies in the public domain ( on the Internet )... And it's not just beginners, but the vast majority of traders - because FOREX is 50 years old, and successful traders - was about 5% and this figure has not risen ...

If only you could drink honey with your mouth...!

Serqey Nikitin:

Let me translate what you said into plain language... :

All traders are just stupid losers, and lazy! They do not want to do anything, while everything you need to succeed lies in the public domain ( on the Internet )... And it's not just beginners, but the vast majority of traders - because FOREX is 50 years old, and successful traders - was about 5%, and this figure has not risen ...

You should drink honey with your mouth!...

It's not the poor and it's not the lazy. It just takes a lot of time and titanic patience. Not everyone has it. But the dream of getting fabulously (and most importantly - quickly) rich is a lot of people. That's why 95% of them fail. (

Vladimir Baskakov:
You won't get a mortgage because of your age and income, don't worry.

I'm not going to feed the bankers, Dasha !

It's amazing how people know the future ! It's a straightforward way for them to trade !

Hello all
There is a lot of available information on the Internet, how to build a trend line on the chart, the price channel, how to use indicators, patterns of technical analysis, horizontal profile, how to set stops, how much volume to enter a position (risk management), and much more. You can learn to earn by yourself, constantly trading and honing your skills, first on a demo account, and then on a real account. And you can save on a trading guru.

And it's all about nothing, at least it's free, rather than the same useless nonsense for money from a "teacher".

Serqey Nikitin:

I will now translate what you said into plain language... :

All traders are just stupid losers, and lazy! They do not want to do anything, while everything you need to succeed lies in the public domain ( on the Internet )... And it's not just beginners, but the vast majority of traders - because FOREX is 50 years old, and successful traders - was about 5%, and this figure has not risen ...

You should drink honey with your mouth!...

Outstanding athletes are also about 2-5% of all. Although everyone has hands and feet and trainers.
Aleksey Mavrin:
Outstanding athletes are also about 2-5% of all. Everyone has their hands and feet in trainers though.
Ridiculous!... Give me another example: how many astronauts we have...