Where to start? - page 7

Heroix: I will be trite and predictable, but KG/AM.

And I have the impression that this text was created when the term "KG/AM" didn't even exist yet.

If you think this criatiff is crap, then your evolution is probably far from complete no, not so, or rather from some stabilization, because the true seeker never stops and keeps on looking forever. But when the trading system loses its efficiency, the mature trader does not rush in at random, but already knows roughly where to look and where to go.

P.S. Many moments in this "CG/AM" are brilliantly captured - and the misunderstanding of loved ones, and the misunderstanding of yourself, and the spiral of development ...

I haven't seen almost anything that I should have paid attention to (as far as trading is concerned) in a long time, several years. In my opinion, the most useful thing is to more or less regularly revisit my own very long-standing approaches (oddly enough, one of them was loosely created when I didn't know Forex already existed).

I'm not interested in standard indicators, I don't need a tester, I don't care about spam offers to try another grail with allegedly tens or even hundreds of pips per day and hundreds of percent per month.

But I have a conviction that the market is predictable, and one can get one's share from it regularly. Not too fat, but enough to somehow provide for their future even after the formal retirement age (the state does not hope, 300 quid a month I'm sure not enough to live).


I will not enter into an argument. Personal opinion is sacred; it is better not to encroach on it.

I will point out that the author is only partly and someway right. But... we cannot say that this writing applies to everyone.

Let it be for you - the creativity is genius, the author is good. And that's the end of it.

I think there can be only one piece of advice - read and try everything here, which is all there is. So that you can make up your own opinion. And then you will know what to do, when to do it, to do it or not to do it.
They can't read any more - they want videos...

Do names like Anton Trefelev mean anything to you?

The patient seems to be suffering from a split personality.



The patient seems to be suffering from a split personality


What's bifurcated? He is writing owls, he seems to be alive and well.

Another thing is still not a multi-billionaire, it does not count for sure, with his former rate of return he should be by now. Something has gone wrong in him. Maybe the mafia threatened him, who knows.

Only one hrenfx beats adult as far as I know...


What's splitting up? He's writing owls, seems to be alive and well.

So in the profile: Ilya Malev


So in the profile: Ilya Malev

Probably did not foresee that someone would have thought to compare the relevance of the photo on the avatar of the article from Alpari, the name on Skype and the name declared in the profile.

Or maybe he was just joking, that's for sure.

One thing is clear, the participant had an incredible pulse of profits for a while, but for whatever reason is now doing a much less profitable business.

Perhaps this is a hint to the topicstarter that there are icebergs that even monsters like Trefolev crash into.

As far as I have heard from publicly available sources, he (Trefolev) was gnawing on the owl some night inefficiency, and then it was leveled. He became disillusioned and dropped his hands.

Компания Альпари наградила лучшего Управляющего
Компания Альпари наградила лучшего Управляющего
  • www.alpari.ru
Уважаемые клиенты! Компания Альпари наградила самого прибыльного управляющего и инвестора по итогам года. Лучшим управляющим по итогам года был признан Антон Трефолев, известный под ником AntFX, продемонстрировавший на своем ПАММ-счете более 11 000% прибыли за два месяца. Торжественное награждение состоялось в центральном офисе Компании на...
Whoa, the writer got banned. For what? Did I miss something?
Wow, the topicstarter got banned. For what? Did I miss something?

No, it's okay, I just shot a ricochet someone in the eye, figuratively speaking)))

I'm new and can not immediately know what issues, or rather the meaning of them, is not recommended to discuss here, although technically it may not violate any of the rules. Well now I know one such taboo topic.

P.S. I'm trying to learn MQL for reference and articles, everything seems okay, but I still can't understand, what kind of objects called "links" are they needed in general?

There is an array, it's like any other data type, but with its own structure. Why there are no pointers to double or int? I mean when writing &"nameArray" Why?

Pointers are not clear yet either, what is their purpose. Are they some kind of manipulation to save memory or are they a necessary element of code structure?

If you can give me a link to a simple explanation.

Thanks in advance.


P.S I'm trying to understand MQL by reference book and articles, everything seems ok, but so far I can't understand what objects called "pointers" are for?




Когда нужно использовать указатели в MQL5
Когда нужно использовать указатели в MQL5
  • 2010.03.25
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
  • www.mql5.com
Все объекты в MQL5 по умолчанию передаются по ссылке, но есть возможность использовать и указатели объектов. При этом есть опасность получить в качестве параметра функции указатель неинициализированного объекта. В этом случае работа программы будет завершена критически с последующей выгрузкой. Автоматически создаваемые объекты как правило такой ошибки не вызывают, и в этом отношении они достаточно безопасны. В этой статье мы попробуем разобраться в чем разница между ссылкой и указателей, когда оправдано использование указателей и как написать безопасный код с использованием указателей.