Real work on MT5 NDD - page 15


Don't make things up, read some good specialist literature on exchanges. You will understand how badly you are mistaken.

Good luck.


Some rosy-fuzzy notion about regulators and integrity. Not a child to think of the solely good intentions of regulators and other lawmakers. There is only one rule in the world: whoever is strongest is right. Any legal obstacles work as long as it benefits the strongest.

Fighting for human rights is a tool to put pressure on the weak. The strong violate - I don't care. The UN Security Council is an instrument of pressure on the weak. If it does not allow us to pressurise, we do not care, we pressurise all the same. Democratic values are an instrument of pressure on the weak. The level of these values is determined by the strongest. Tolerance is a tool of pressure on the weak. And so on. Finally, regulators are also a tool to put pressure on the weak.

All the fines on Goldman Sachs, for example, are nothing more than a show-off and a veil, which in no way compares with the profits of their non-market activities. Regulators represent the interest of the strong and brazenly crush the weak. The fact that everything is so great and unclouded for you only shows that your system poses no threat to the strong. But as soon as you give them a tangible slap on the wrist, the regulators are the artillery that goes with them.

If you don't like the fact that your citizens can trade outside the control of the regulators, prohibit them from doing so by law. In other words, your citizens will be criminally liable for what others do. In case anyone doesn't understand, we're talking about US citizens. Don't like another country's regime. Restrict the right to trade to citizens of that country. Again, in case anyone doesn't understand, this applies, for example, to citizens of the Republic of Belarus.

Are you talking about honesty and fairness? And even more so where there is big money circulating? Ridiculous!

FOREX is much less regulated than the stock exchanges. Decentralisation simply does not allow it to be regulated so tightly. The regulatory bastards can do nothing. Is there chaos in FOREX without regulators? Maybe so, but in my practice the maximum that has happened is that the bank has refused further cooperation because it has suffered serious losses due to the toxic flow of orders created by me. And the toxicity was determined only by the fact that his manipulative actions made him weaker, not stronger, as before.

Also, what is the difference between developed exchanges and FOREX. Exchanges shear off the weak. Even if you make money, you are shearing the weak. But not the strong. On FOREX, they also haircut the weak. But if you are earning, you are shearing the strong - the banks. It's nice to know that you've hit the hands of the stingy banks. And even if your profits are not in the millions, you are able to "hit" particularly brazenly manipulative banks in a very tangible way with aggregation, creating a multi-billion dollar turnover in a relatively short time. Bringing in millions of dollars in losses, because through the aggregation of these millions to other market participants and a little left for yourself.

The game on the FOREX is a game against the System. Playing the stock market is a game against people like you.

Трейдеры научились вводить роботов в заблуждение
Трейдеры научились вводить роботов в заблуждение
  • 2010.10.14
Два внутридневных трейдера из Норвегии сумели переиграть компьютерную систему высокочастотного трейдинга и получили за это штрафы и условные сроки, которые собираются обжаловать
there was a post here that had all the TRUTH in it :) but it was lost by mistake. i'm too lazy to restore it.

Go to LMAX and trade currency according to the rules of the exchange. There is theory and there is practice. The bank does what is profitable for it. If I can make a better trade outside of LMAX, I won't limit myself to the idiotic rule of trading only inside the exchange just because someone there might refuse to execute.

You may also not be executed on the exchange under any pretext: no time, you were late in line, etc. You will find an excuse. MM can show you prices and trade them too (to himself), but no one else. Yes, there are plenty of manipulation schemes, you are not the first day on the market.

The bank is acting honestly by refusing to trade with me if it is not profitable for them. Where is the unfairness or unfairness here? It benefits from a different quotation business model. Not a smart bank simply. How many banks are there? And the big ones? They don't care at all, they will execute, etc.

No one is forcing a bank to be a market maker. It's just a market participant. I give liquidity with my bids too. But I am not a market maker in the classical sense either. In FOREX, everyone is a liquidity provider by issuing their bids. That is all.

To compare the foreign exchange market and NASDAQ is to compare heaven and earth. The stock exchange is just one form of a market. FOREX is much more free of rules and no one is cheating impudently by making up ridiculous regulatory rules. Once you have an agreement with the bank, go ahead and trade. If you don't like it, go to hell and look for another bank. The choice is huge.

P.S. And in general the conversation is more like a pissing match: who has more in what area of absolutely no basic knowledge. It is all chattering. Research constructive is useful.


I hate to continue this conversation, but I can't get past it.


You can also be rejected at the stock exchange under any pretext: you were late, you were in queue late, etc. You will find an excuse. MM can show prices, and trade them too (to himself), but no one else. Yes there are plenty of manipulation schemes, you are not the first day on the market.

You are confused, and very much so. There's a list of things you're not allowed to do. And if someone breaks those rules, they're taking a big risk. Understandably, there will always be individuals who will try to violate - that's life. But the situation of individual violations is not the same as lawlessness. It's the basics, there's no point in arguing about it.


To compare the foreign exchange market and the NASDAQ is to compare heaven and earth. The stock exchange is just one form of a market. FOREX is much more free of rules and no one is cheating impudently by inventing idiotic regulatory rules. Once you have an agreement with the bank, go ahead and trade. If you don't like it, go to hell and look for another bank. The choice is huge.

Everyone chooses for themselves. Some people like the fact that there are rules and they can be used, because they are there. Some people prefer bazaar - private choice, please, no one forbids it. But, my conversation started with the fact that Forex is not the stock exchange. It is a market, but it is not an exchange.


P.S. And in general the conversation is more like a pissing match: who has more in what area of absolutely no basic knowledge. It is all chattering. But constructive research is useful.

Yes, and what kind of research construct do you propose to discuss?
Yes, and what kind of research constructive discussion do you propose to have?

Unfortunately, I have no idea what would be useful to discuss. Forum start-ups have never ended well for me.

An interesting topic is rare.

Well, then, what are we talking about?

Men, you don't disappear far at all. You both write very interestingly (sorry you don't fully explain everything, but your experience is much more valuable).
Only one page of posts, but what a... even my keyboard refuses to interrupt you. I wish there were more people with such knowledge on these forums.

So, what's the conversation about then.

That it's better to discuss research constructs rather than pissing around. That can be useful. If there is a topic, let's do it. I've made quite a few starts on my part.

I think it's obvious to you that our last few posts are completely empty and a stupid waste of precious time.


That it's better to discuss research constructs rather than pissing around. That can be useful. If there is a topic, let's do it. I've made quite a few starts on my part.

Maybe it's time to take stock, startups? I honestly don't know what there is to construct here. If memory serves me correctly, you are interested in two topics, currencies and arbitrage on them. And, if I understand correctly, it is all very sensitive to trade costs. How can we be constructive here, what about? On currencies, arbitrage has to be "spacey" and "speedy" - a very efficient market, with very large unregulated manipulations. That's pretty clear as it is. Need to make your own synthetic cup, - need to yes. Reduce costs - yes, we need to. Need own tester with synthetic sum of data from different "liquidity providers". Etc.


I think it's obvious to you that a few of our extreme posts are completely empty and a stupid waste of precious time.

I have nothing to do at the moment anyway, but people might be interested.