Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 252

Files:  7 kb

It shows error. Did everything work fine?

can't open "C:\Program Files\Alpari Limited MT5 Demo 1\MQL5\include\Expert\Signal\MySignals\ACH_HM_RSI.include file expert_ah_hm_rsi.mq5 14 11


It shows error. Did everything work fine?

can't open "C:\Program Files\Alpari Limited MT5 Demo 1\MQL5\include\Expert\Signal\MySignals\ACH_HM_RSI.include file expert_ah_hm_rsi.mq5 14 11

I do.

put the files in the specified folders.


I am.

put the files in the specified folders.

Thanks, it's working! :)


Hi all!

I am fine-tuning the CrossArbitr indicator. Help me to understand. I need the value of b(Total) summed s for a minute (0 bar) and displayed with the other indicators on the chart, after a minute the sum s was fixed, s1=s, start to form again. Indicator s1 one also needs to be displayed on the chart. Here is the code of the indicator.

//|                                                  CrossArbitr.mq4 |
//|                                                        Scriptong |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "Scriptong"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window
//---- input parameters
extern bool      ShowBid=false;
extern bool      ShowAsk=false;
extern color     BidColor = Lime;
extern color     AskColor = Yellow;
extern int       AlarmIfPointDifference = 10;
extern string    AlarmFile = "wait.wav"; 

bool Activate = False;
string FP, SP;
double Tick;
int WayForCross;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
   string S = Symbol();
   if(StringFind(S, "USD", 0) != -1)
      Comment("Индикатор работает только с кроссовыми парами (GBPJPY, EURJPY, EURGBP и т. д)!");

   if(StringLen(S) != 6)
      Comment("Индикатор работает только с валютными парами, у которых название состоит из шести символов!");
   // Поиск первой валютной пары кросса
   FP = StringSubstr(S, 0, 3)+"USD";
   MarketInfo(FP, MODE_BID);
   if(GetLastError() > 0)
      FP = "USD"+StringSubstr(S, 0, 3);
      MarketInfo(FP, MODE_BID);
      if(GetLastError() > 0)
         Comment("Невозможно найти инструмент ", FP, " или ", StringSubstr(S, 0, 3)+"USD. Необходимо добавить его в Обзоре рынка и перезапустить индикатор.");
   // --------------------------------------  
   // "Создание" второй валютной пары кросса
   SP = "USD"+StringSubstr(S, 3, 3);
   MarketInfo(SP, MODE_BID);
   if(GetLastError() > 0)
      SP = StringSubstr(S, 3, 3)+"USD";
      MarketInfo(SP, MODE_BID);
      if(GetLastError() > 0)
         Comment("Невозможно найти инструмент ", SP, " или ", StringSubstr(S, 3, 3)+"USD. Необходимо добавить его в Обзоре рынка и перезапустить индикатор.");
   // --------------------------------------  

   // Определение пути синтеза кросса
   if (StringFind(FP, "USD") == 3 && StringFind(SP, "USD") == 0)
     WayForCross = 1;
   if (StringFind(FP, "USD") == 0 && StringFind(SP, "USD") == 0)
     WayForCross = 2;
   if (StringFind(FP, "USD") == 3 && StringFind(SP, "USD") == 3)
     WayForCross = 3;
   if (StringFind(FP, "USD") == 0 && StringFind(SP, "USD") == 3)
     WayForCross = 4;
   // -------------------------------

   Tick = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE);
   Activate = True;  
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
   if(ObjectFind("CrossBid") == 0)
   if(ObjectFind("CrossAsk") == 0)
//| Приведение значений к точности одного тика                       |
double ND(double A)
 return(NormalizeDouble(A, Digits));

//| Расчет значения синтетического бида                              |
double CalcBidWayForCross()
 switch (WayForCross)
    case 1: return(ND(MarketInfo(FP, MODE_BID)*MarketInfo(SP, MODE_BID)));
    case 2: return(ND(MarketInfo(SP, MODE_BID)/MarketInfo(FP, MODE_ASK)));
    case 3: return(ND(MarketInfo(FP, MODE_BID)/MarketInfo(SP, MODE_ASK)));
    case 4: return(1/(ND(MarketInfo(FP, MODE_ASK)*MarketInfo(SP, MODE_BID))));

//| Расчет значения синтетического аска                              |
double CalcAskWayForCross()
 switch (WayForCross)
    case 1: return(ND(MarketInfo(FP, MODE_ASK)*MarketInfo(SP, MODE_ASK)));
    case 2: return(ND(MarketInfo(SP, MODE_ASK)/MarketInfo(FP, MODE_BID)));
    case 3: return(ND(MarketInfo(FP, MODE_ASK)/MarketInfo(SP, MODE_BID)));
    case 4: return(1/(ND(MarketInfo(FP, MODE_BID)*MarketInfo(SP, MODE_ASK))));

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

   // Расчет синтетических Bid и Ask
   double CalcBid = CalcBidWayForCross();  
   double CalcAsk = CalcAskWayForCross();  
   double n,m,b,s,s1;
   int t = Seconds();
   // -------------------------------

   // Рисуем уровень синтетического Bid
   if (ShowBid)
      if(ObjectFind("CrossBid") == -1)
         ObjectCreate("CrossBid", OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, CalcBid); 
         ObjectSet("CrossBid", OBJPROP_COLOR, BidColor);
         ObjectSet("CrossBid", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
        if(!ObjectMove("CrossBid", 0, 1, CalcBid))
           Print("Ошибка перемещения №", GetLastError());
   // ----------------------------------        

   // Рисуем уровень синтетического Ask
     if(ObjectFind("CrossAsk") == -1)
        ObjectCreate("CrossAsk", OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, CalcAsk); 
        ObjectSet("CrossAsk", OBJPROP_COLOR, AskColor);
        ObjectSet("CrossAsk", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
       ObjectMove("CrossAsk", 0, 1, CalcAsk);
       if(t > 0)
       {s=b; b++;}
       else s1=s;
   // ----------------------------------        
   Comment("Реальный BID = ", DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits), ", реальный ASK = ", DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits), 
           "\nСинтетик BID = ", DoubleToStr(CalcBid, Digits), ", синтетик ASK = ", DoubleToStr(CalcAsk, Digits),
           "\nРазница BID Синтетика и Реального =", n=(Bid-CalcBid),
           "\, Разница ASK Синтетика и Реального =", m=(CalcAsk-Ask),
           "\nИтог =", b=(CalcAsk-Ask) - (Bid-CalcBid),
           "\nПрошлый бар =", s1, ", Текущий бар =", s
   // Выдаем звуковой сигнал о превышении минимальной разности
   if(ND(MathAbs(CalcBid-Bid)) >= ND(AlarmIfPointDifference*Point))
   // --------------------------------------------------------  

Also, I am trying to install an Exp-Monitoring-Spread Expert Advisor on a chart - it is not installed. MT4 writes in the log that it is not an Expert Advisor and cannot be installed. No errors in the compiler have been detected. It runs as a script, but the offline chart does not work. What can be done? The code is attached just in case.

#property  show_inputs

#import "user32.dll"
  int PostMessageA(int hWnd,int Msg,int wParam,int lParam);

#define  WM_COMMAND 0x0111

#define  PAUSE 100

extern string Currency = "USD";

string Symbol1, Symbol2;
bool Math; // 0 - S1 / S2, 1 - S1 * S2, 2 - 1 / (S1 * S2)

int handle;
string SymbolName;

int time;
double open, low, high, close;
int volume;
double PriceBid, PriceAsk;
double Bid1 = 0, Bid2 = 0, Ask1 = 0, Ask2 = 0;
int Digits1, Digits2;  

double MinSpread, MaxSpread, AverageSpread;

bool RealSymbol( string Str )
  return(MarketInfo(Str, MODE_BID) != 0);

void GetSymbols()
  string Currency1, Currency2;
  string SymbolPrefix;
  string Str1, Str2;
  Currency1 = StringSubstr(Symbol(), 0, 3);
  Currency2 = StringSubstr(Symbol(), 3, 3);
  SymbolPrefix = StringSubstr(Symbol(), 6, StringLen(Symbol()) - 6);
  Str1 = Currency1 + Currency + SymbolPrefix;
  Str2 = Currency + Currency1 + SymbolPrefix;
  if (RealSymbol(Str1))
    Symbol1 = Str1; 
    Str1 = Currency2 + Currency + SymbolPrefix;
    Str2 = Currency + Currency2 + SymbolPrefix;
    if (RealSymbol(Str1))
      Symbol2 = Str1; 
      Math = 0; //  S1 / S2
    else if (RealSymbol(Str2))
      Symbol2 = Str2; 
      Math = 1; // S1 * S2
  else if (RealSymbol(Str2))
    Symbol2 = Str2; 
    Str1 = Currency2 + Currency + SymbolPrefix;
    Str2 = Currency + Currency2 + SymbolPrefix;
    if (RealSymbol(Str1))
      Symbol1 = Str1; 
      Math = 2; // 1 / (S1 * S2)
    else if (RealSymbol(Str2))
      Symbol1 = Str2; 
      Math = 0; // S1 / S2

bool GetPrices()
  switch (Math)
  case 0: // S1 / S2
    PriceBid = Bid1 / Ask2;
    PriceAsk = Ask1 / Bid2;
  case 1: // S1 * S2
    PriceBid = Bid1 * Bid2;
    PriceAsk = Ask1 * Ask2;
  case 2: // 1 / (S1 * S2)
    PriceBid = 1 / (Ask1 * Ask2);
    PriceAsk = 1 / (Bid1 * Bid2);

bool SymbolChange()
  double NewBid1, NewBid2, NewAsk1, NewAsk2;

  NewBid1 = MarketInfo(Symbol1, MODE_BID);
  NewBid2 = MarketInfo(Symbol2, MODE_BID);
  NewAsk1 = MarketInfo(Symbol1, MODE_ASK);
  NewAsk2 = MarketInfo(Symbol2, MODE_ASK);
  if ((NormalizeDouble(NewBid1 - Bid1, Digits1) != 0) || (NormalizeDouble(NewBid2 - Bid2, Digits2) != 0) ||
      (NormalizeDouble(NewAsk1 - Ask1, Digits1) != 0) || (NormalizeDouble(NewAsk2 - Ask2, Digits2) != 0))
    Bid1 = NewBid1;
    Bid2 = NewBid2;
    Ask1 = NewAsk1;
    Ask2 = NewAsk2;

void WriteBar()
  FileWriteInteger(handle, time);
  FileWriteDouble(handle, open);
  FileWriteDouble(handle, low);
  FileWriteDouble(handle, high);
  FileWriteDouble(handle, close);
  FileWriteDouble(handle, volume);

int GetLastTime()
  int Tmp1, Tmp2;
  Tmp1 = iTime(Symbol1, Period(), 0);
  Tmp2 = iTime(Symbol2, Period(), 0);
  if (Tmp1 > Tmp2)

void CreateNewBar()
  time = GetLastTime();
  open = PriceBid;
  low = PriceBid;
  high = PriceBid;
  close = PriceBid;
  volume = 1;

void ModifyBar()
  if (PriceBid > high)
    high = PriceBid;
  else if (PriceBid < low)
    low = PriceBid;
  close = PriceBid;


void CreateNewSpread()
  MinSpread = (PriceAsk - PriceBid) / Point;
  MaxSpread = MinSpread;
  AverageSpread = MinSpread;

void ModifySpread()
  double Spread = (PriceAsk - PriceBid) / Point;
  if (Spread > MaxSpread)
    MaxSpread = Spread;
  else if (Spread < MinSpread)
    MinSpread = Spread;
  AverageSpread += Spread;

void WriteSpread()
  int hSpread = FileOpen(SymbolName + Period() + "_Spread.dat", FILE_BIN|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE);
  AverageSpread /= volume;
  FileSeek(hSpread, 0, SEEK_END);
  FileWriteInteger(hSpread, time);
  FileWriteDouble(hSpread, MaxSpread);
  FileWriteDouble(hSpread, AverageSpread);
  FileWriteDouble(hSpread, MinSpread);


void CreateHandle()
  string FileName;
  int Tmp[15], TmpTime;

  SymbolName = StringSubstr(Symbol(), 0, 6) + "_" + Currency;
  FileName = SymbolName + Period() + ".hst";
  handle = FileOpenHistory(FileName, FILE_BIN|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE);
  if (FileSize(handle) > 0)
    if (FileSize(handle) > 148)
      FileSeek(handle, -44, SEEK_END);
      TmpTime = FileReadInteger(handle);
      if (TmpTime == time)
        open = FileReadDouble(handle);
        low = FileReadDouble(handle);
        high = FileReadDouble(handle);
        close = FileReadDouble(handle);
        volume = FileReadDouble(handle);

    FileSeek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);

  handle = FileOpenHistory(FileName, FILE_BIN|FILE_WRITE);
  FileWriteInteger(handle, 400);
  FileWriteString(handle, "Created by " + WindowExpertName(), 64);
  FileWriteString(handle, SymbolName, 12);
  FileWriteInteger(handle, Period());
  FileWriteInteger(handle, Digits);
  FileWriteArray(handle, Tmp, 0, 15);


void RefreshChart()
  int hwnd = WindowHandle(SymbolName, Period());

  PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, 33324, 0);

string GetComment()
  int Spread = (Ask - Bid) / Point + 0.1;
  double SpreadX = (PriceAsk - PriceBid) / Point;
  string Str;
  Str = Symbol() + " spread = " + Spread + "\n" + SymbolName + " spread = " + DoubleToStr(SpreadX, 1);
  Str = Str + "\nDifference = " + DoubleToStr(Spread - SpreadX, 1);

void init()
  Digits1 = MarketInfo(Symbol1, MODE_DIGITS);
  Digits2 = MarketInfo(Symbol2, MODE_DIGITS);



void deinit()

void start()
  while (!IsStopped())
    if (SymbolChange())
      if (time < GetLastTime())

Is it possible to fix an EA where you have to replace the normal opening trades with trailing trades?
Is it possible to fix an EA where you want to replace the normal open trades with a trailing stop?
If the Expert Advisor was generated using the MQL Wizard, then it is easy - when creating an EA, you need to specify that a trailing stop is needed and select what the trailing stop will be based on.
If the Expert Advisor was generated using the MQL Wizard, it is easy - when creating an EA, you need to specify that a trailing stop is needed and select what the trailing stop will be based on.
The Expert Advisor was written for MT4
Is it possible to download charts for technical analysis, - indexes S & P 500 Futures Chart, TA 25 Chart, and S & P 500 Chart if it is possible can tell you how to do it, maybe there is an explanation of how to download!
I thank you in advance.