Iron tips - page 2

The stabilizer saves from power surges, the UPS saves from power outages. The stabilizer has no battery (accumulator) but the UPS does.

Not really - a UPS only saves you from power surges, a UPS saves you from both power surges and loss of power problems.

There isone thing you should be aware of and take into account - all normal UPSs switch over to batteries in case of power surges outside the tolerance range. If such surges are frequent enough UPS can easily die electronics (in my practice I had a case when APC electronics died in a week, just in those conditions UPS switched to battery at least five times per hour).

Total protection in this regard will give UPS (sufficiently powerful) + AVR (with everything must be fed through a NORMAL surge protector).

Speaking of surge protectors (extension cords) - I also recommend APC, or at least Vector Com (the second Russian-made).

These filters are quite expensive (but believe me they are worth it). Typically, these surge protectors have five sockets each (the Vectra has one without grounding).


When choosing a UPS, you should also consider availability of USB interface (or any other interface) which would allow you to connect the UPS to a computer. This will allow the UPS to be programmed and allow it to be automatically switched off in certain situations.


Beginning programmer in ( MQL5 ) "READY".

Fifth month waiting for the "Tutorial". But let's not talk about sad things :-).

I'm currently saving up my money for some hardware. I plan to spend 30,000 rubles.

I need a laptop or netbook.

U netbook main plus that he can work 7 hours without charging in contrast to the laptops are working 3 hours maximum.

Netbook is needed for programming in their spare time from work and studies, constantly travelling so that the time without charging is critical.

A bigger display would also be nice.

A computer is also essential. My laptop is used by 2 other people. I want the computer to be interested only in ticks and code processing. I will use one monitor for two computers.

A stabilizer is essential for the computer. My sales consultant advised me to buy a stabilizer with programming capabilities.

Do I need this option?

I would like to know if I have been correctly advised.

Why not?

no 13890

APC 4390

Com 8900 TOTAL 27180

1. the option is needed, I wouldn't take it without it.

2. I think the price is a bit steep. Or rather, I took an APC 525 for 3500 p.

3. when choosing an APC you should pay attention to its power and recommended operation time. In this case, this may well help Russian-speaking company website, it seems there is a calculator that allows you to choose the UPS, depending on the load and power quality.

4. the UPS itself by the way is not the best option (if I am not mistaken I have one, now it only works on the monitor). Its real limit in peak load (if I'm not mistaken) is 350 watts.

In today's environment is very small, given that the overlap from peak consumption should be 1.5-2.0 times (if you want normal operation and no desire to destroy equipment in six months)!

As I said APC 525 supports my system computer and APC 500 the monitor. The second machine has an APC 1500.

By the way, the number of outlets should be so specified 3 sockets for PC and monitor + 1 for printer :).

5. The power supply on the system unit also does not correspond to modern realities, even if you consider that this is its real value (which I highly doubt) it is not enough.

Of course a good power supply (e.g. from Thermatelk) is quite expensive, but trust me it's worth it. You might want to go for the more economical version, 500W, but it will cost you about half the price.

6. HDD on your system is outright rubbish. First, the volume must be at least 500 Gb (better 1000-1500 Gb). Secondly, if there is no possibility to take normal disks (I mean Hitachi - WikiPedia), use acceptable option - Seagate. But certainly not WD (I won't use such a de...).

7. CPU - Two cores is laptop level, but not a modern PC. Normal solution is 4 cores, the more so that cores will not be superfluous (especially during the optimization of the MT5).

Intell or AMD it's up to you, here everyone has his own tastes.

8. RAM - 1024 Mb? You are probably just kidding. I don't know, but personally I would take it as a personal insult.

If you are counting on 32bit you should have 2-4 Gb of memory, if you are using 64bit think about 4-8 Gb.

Even if you take the minimum (counting on future upgrades) you must have at least 2 Gb of memory (preferably in one strip).

9. netbook - I don't know, I personally would have taken a fully functional laptop. I have a nearby shop, Eldorado by the way, the laptop from Lenovo is only 8000 rubles (confuses that this is the Eldorado and normal laptop from this manufacturer costs 25-30K, but still).

At least for that kind of money you can get a full-fledged notebook, and a netbook should be cheaper.

If we were talking about laptops or netbooks, I personally would have taken the device from this manufacturer. But in the end it is up to you to decide...


If you do a complete review, I can say that in general, if you try to sell 3-5 years old + netbook at inflated prices

About the seller and his attitude towards you make conclusions...


I don't get it! Don't they make stabilizers inside the UPS these days? I got my not-so-great UPS ten years ago, and it has been stabilizing my computer's power without any hassle ever since!


I don't get it! Don't they make stabilizers inside the UPS these days? I bought my not-so-great UPS ten years ago, and it has been stabilizing my computer's power without any hassle all this time!

Modern UPS, at least the ones I've worked with (APC among them) have parameters that indicate the operating range. If this range is exceeded, the UPS switches to battery power.

For example my APC (as you remember 1500) is now configured as follows:

Maximum load - 865 W.

Current load - 164 watts (system computer + monitor in 22'')

Power - Maintain the computer as long as possible (5 minutes until the battery runs out). Running on battery for 38 minutes

Sensitivity - High (maximum hardware protection)

Voltage - Lower limit 188 volts, upper limit 260 volts (software can be set at 188 and 272)


So, the FREQUENCY and VOLTAGE are responsible, so to speak, for the operation of the "stabilizer" in the UPS. only there is no STABILIZATION of the voltage but a dumb transition to the battery.

It may be within this range of 188-272 and will stabilize, but it is most likely a question of technology of a particular UPS.

Also a good UPS, as far as I understand, can work as a filter (in case of insignificant voltage spikes).

The stabilizer can be taken as a separate device, those who have left it from old Soviet TV sets are happy to use it.


On this topic I have a very interesting, but apparently specific, situation. In my residential area, the networks are very weak (private sector in Tver). When someone uses a welder, the lights flash and almost go out. The stationary copm starts switching over endlessly. And nothing helps: neither the stabiliser, nor the UPS. Apparently, the surges are so high that they are out of tolerance. Therefore, I work only on a laptop (it does not care, everything goes through the adapter, and it does not react). And I would like to have a stationary - can anyone have any ideas? Can, of course, through a battery with an inverter and charger to feed, but maybe something better?



6. HDD on your system is outright rubbish. Firstly the hard drive should be at least 500 Gb (better 1000-1500 Gb). Secondly, if you cannot afford to buy normal disks (I mean Hitachi - WikiPedia), use Seagate, an acceptable option. But certainly not WD (I won't use it for nothing).

8. RAM - 1024 Mb? You're probably just being mocked. I don't know, but personally I would take it as a personal insult.

If you are counting on 32 bit memory you should have 2-4 Gb, with 64 bit you should think about 4-8 Gb.

Even if you take the minimum (counting on future upgrades) memory should be at least 2 Gb (preferably one plank)

on point 6. Western now makes good drives, better than Seagate.

On point 8, "preferably a single blade" is a big mistake. I hope that this phrase is not what you had in mind :)


Thank you for not being left to the mercy of (Sales consultants).

I have a question. Is it possible to invest in 30000 maximum 35000?

If so, what is worth paying attention to what is better not to spend?

At the moment the basket is

1 Netbook

2 Computer

3 Stabilizer

4 UPS Special thanks toInteresting for answering myquestion andhelping me to learn MQL5. Thank you.

The stabiliser and UPS will only be used for the computer.




1 Operation time without charging.


3 and TD.



on point 6. Western makes good drives now, better than Seagate.

But here on point 8, "preferably one slat" is a very big mistake, I hope that in this phrase, you want to say something else :)

1. On the HDD side, I personally only recognise Hitachi. Westrn or Segeita is a matter of choice. From the latter two, I personally choose sigate (I can't remember once regretted that I had ever contacted WD).

2. About RAM - It all depends on the purpose and what we will use. If you need 8 32 Bit and 4 Gb of memory it is possible and 1024 Mb of slots, if you need 64 bit and 8 Gb will need 2 Gb of slots.

Anyway, it depends a lot on the memory manufacturer too. One thing, for example, Samsung memory (at the very least KingStone or KingMax), and another such a nasty thing as Escalibrus.

About the UPS - don't forget to take a bit more watts than the total load.
Because I took an even one and it couldn't hold two computers))

1. On the subject of HDDs - I personally only recognise Hitachi. Westrn or Seagate is a matter of choice. Of the latter two, I will personally choose sigate (I can't remember not once regretted that I contacted WD).

2. About RAM - It all depends on the purpose and what we will use. If you need 8 32 Bit and 4 Gb of memory we can use 1024 Mb of each card, if you need 64 bit and 8 Gb of memory we will need 2 Gb of polanky.

In any case it depends on the memory manufacturer too. One thing, for example, Samsung memory (at the very least KingStone or KingMax), and another nasty thing like Escalibrus.

I'd go for a WD, I've got 2 in my laptop and an external one. They work hurrah, no bad sectors, and plus low power consumption)))
The only thing I say, do not take samsung - in my practice with the computers was as much as 3 cases of breakage hdd, and all samsungs (with different people, and ordinary laptops).