Errors, bugs, questions - page 2736

Renat Fatkhullin:

In C++ the exact same error will be thrown.

In C++ there is an error in both cases, although they could have delayed compilation there too, but didn't, preferring the simple rule that the function must be declared before use

Ошибки, баги, вопросы
Ошибки, баги, вопросы
  • 2020.05.07
Общее обсуждение: Ошибки, баги, вопросы

Also in the following example

int f( int  ) { return 1; }
void OnStart()
        char ch = 0;
        Print( f( ch ) );
int f( char ) { return 2; }

Result in MQL: 2

and in C++: 1

That is, in MQL, the subsequent code affects the previous one (while in C++ it does not)

Also in the following example

Result in MQL: 2

and in C++: 1

That is, in MQL, the subsequent code affects the previous one (while in C++ it doesn't)

That's funny)))


Hello dear, I am probably writing in the wrong place, but who can tell me, I can not log into the account on metatrade4, could I be blocked?

248$ is not a lot of money, but still.


Hello dear, I am probably writing in the wrong place, but who can tell me, I can not log into the account on metatrade4, could I be blocked?

248$ is not a lot of money, but still.

We couldn't. If you cannot log in, where do you see your account balance? In general, the lack of funds in the account, let alone the amount of money in the account, does not prevent you from logging in.

Alexey Viktorov:

No, they couldn't. If you cannot log in, where do you see the account balance? In general, the lack of funds in the account, and even more so the amount, does not prevent you from logging in.

They could, if there have been no transactions in the account for a long time.


They could do so if there has been no activity in the account for a considerable period of time.

This is not called blocking, but deleting the account either completely, as I have experienced, or archiving it. You can get your money back from the archive, but if they have deleted it, it's over...

Alexey Viktorov:

This is not called blocking, but deleting the account or completely, as I have experienced, or archiving it. You can get the money back from the archive, but if you have deleted it, it's over...

This does not change the essence (the ability to continue working with the account). You have to contact your broker, re-open the account and continue working with the new account or return the amount to your bank account

Thank you, everyone.

Without specifying the public folder flag everything works, with specifying the public folder flag nothing else works but names.

Is this a limitation or a bug ?

   file_name = "";
   long search_handle2 = FileFindFirst(InpFilter, file_name, FILE_COMMON);
   if(search_handle2 != INVALID_HANDLE)
         ArrayResize(share, z + 1, 1000);

         share[z].file_name   = file_name;
         share[z].delay       = NON;
         share[z].compare     = false;
         share[z].file_modify = (datetime)FileGetInteger(share[z].file_name, FILE_MODIFY_DATE, FILE_COMMON);
         share[z].file_size   =  FileGetInteger(share[z].file_name, FILE_SIZE, FILE_COMMON);

         Print("   2    " + share[z].file_name + "   " + share[z].file_modify);
         FileIsExist(file_name, FILE_COMMON);
      while(FileFindNext(search_handle2, file_name));