I am new to trading. I have rented MT4 VPS. This means that I can power off my computer or notebook and the trade will be still active. Am I correct?


Please find below some general information - 


1. How to subscribe to VPS (step by step instruction) - #4  

2. How to Subscribe to MT4/MT5 Signal with MQL5 VPS - new instructions

3. VPS log files to check the possible issue - Virtual Platform logs

4. latency/ping - small thread (it is related to your image) 

5. how to check MQL5 VPS (how to monitor) - post #1

6. Synchronize - the thread (you really need it)

7. explanation about MQL5 VPS in KISS way (just to make it shorter) - post #6 

8. this is the post #872 where I collected many news and particularities (I hope you do not need it) 

9. you can move your VPS subscription from one account to another - post  #2