Converting string to a method - page 4

Lorentzos Roussos:

Yeah .thank god its impossible to do such things to mt programs 

It's just ones and zeroes.... Always.


@offtopic (sort off)

Great things are still possible ... 14% risk/trade :-D but a very low deposit :-D



You'll probably want to know that everyone gets a holy grail sooner or later when testing with 'Every Tick' mode.

My First "Grail" - MQL4 Articles

My First "Grail"
My First "Grail"
"... art cannot be programmed, two senses of poetry cannot be bred. Talents cannot be grown by checkrow planting. They are born. They are national wealth, like radium deposits, like September in Sigulda, or Bethesda ..." (Andrey Voznesenskiy) The Holy Grail is generally considered to be the cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper and...


You'll probably want to know that everyone gets a holy grail sooner or later when testing with 'Every Tick' mode.

My First "Grail" - MQL4 Articles

Should I test with something else than every tick as this is the most accurate one? (as far as I know )



Should I test with something else than every tick as this is the most accurate one? (as far as I know )


Modeling quality : 39.91% isn't enough : retry with better historical datas. If you still make 90 000$ from 100$ in 3 months, then prepare the crypting tools for your code :) 

Assange uses deniable encryption like the one I show you on the other post - it's encrypted, but there's no plain text so legally no one can say that for sure it's an encrypted text : it's good stuff, more than enough to protect your code


I was afraid he was going to throw useless test reports and it just happened.

Why are some things so predictable ? 

Should I test with something else than every tick as this is the most accurate one? (as far as I know )

I recommend to read that article first, it contains a lot of true things.

Don't get blinded by test reports. When you see such a profit curve you should always ask you first "what went wrong here" instead of "yay this is it."

The worst decision you could make in my opinion would be to eagerly throw a badly tested EA onto a live account. (Been there, did that.)

Know about over-optimization and exploitation of tester mechanics (perfect fill, tick interpolation etc).

There should be some article around here about the different testing modes.

Marco vd Heijden:

I was afraid he was going to throw useless test reports and it just happened.

Why are some things so predictable ? 


Because, in some ways, we are just babies, no matter the age :-)



Marco vd Heijden:

I was afraid he was going to throw useless test reports and it just happened.

Why are some things so predictable ? 

hehe marco :>



Because, in some ways, we are just babies, no matter the age :-)



but go on, it's a good idea you have there :

CLIENT ----> cmd : BUY EURUSD 1 ---> SERVER/MTTerminal : cmd interpreter ----> buy eurusd 1 lot ---> FX Market

 I've started something similar controlled by Telegram but parsing made it boring to do exhaustively (only basics commands)


@offtopic (sort off)

Great things are still possible ... 14% risk/trade :-D but a very low deposit :-D

Now we are talking 

Also , distribute it like @Icham Aidibe suggested , its cool