Software test engineer & MQL coder
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Published code Log4mql(mini) MT5
A light header-only version of Log4mql that provides standardized logging.
· 1 3341 183
Published code Log4mql(mini) MT4
A light header-only version of Log4mql that provides standardized logging.
Published code Log4mql (MT5)
A logging library similar to Log4j but for MQL.
Published code Log4mql (MT4)
A logging library similar to Log4j but for MQL.
How to display the error text of a runtime error, MQL 4/5 compliant:
#ifdef __MQL5__
#include <errordescription.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>
int OnInit ()
   ResetLastError ();
   // do something that might set an error
   if ( _LastError )
       Print ( "error: " , _LastError , " " ,ErrorDescription( _LastError )); // error: 4802 Indicator cannot be created
       return INIT_FAILED ;
   return INIT_SUCCEEDED ;
And the errordescription.mqh (needed for .mq5) you get from here:
Published code iRSIOnArray for MT5
Header with iRSIOnArray function for use with MQL 4 or 5 code.
Added topic iRSIOnArray Bug
There seems to be a minor bug in iRSIOnArray for that I couldn't find a reason why it would not work. See this code:    double buffer[ 3 ] = { 100 , 101 , 102 };    int period= 2 ;    int shift= 0 ;    Print
Added topic iRSIOnArray for MT5 indi?
I want to move an old indicator to MQL 5 and therefor need iRSIOnArray equivalent. Searched, but couldn't find anything so far. Would someone be so kind to point me to an implementation
Added topic OnDeinit logging during optimization
It looks like  during optimization the tester agent does only call OnDeinit when the OnInit fails. If it passes, OnDeinit will not be called. I have no idea why. Sample EA to reproduce: input int InpStart= 1 ; input int InpStop= 2 ; int OnInit
Added topic Is it possible to place the smiley icon to a different corner of the chart?
How could I place the smiley face and EA name to a different location, say the lower left corner , of the chart
Added topic Is it possible to generate an ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER error on class instantiation?
In MQL 4, I want to generate this error if my class fails to initialize. Like so: void CClass::CClass( int interval) // constructor {      if (interval<= 0 )      {
Added topic Interface for MQL4-style indicator invocation
Sometimes I need to port an advisor to MQL5. To get this done I'm looking for a way to convert MQL4 style indicator invocations more easily. So instead of obtaining a handle and using CopyBuffer I'd like to be able to do this: // MQL 5 code block
Added topic Indicator color issue
Hi, I'm experiencing a strange thing with a colorized indicator histogram. The histogram is defined like so: #property indicator_type1    DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM #property indicator_color1    clrSteelBlue , clrRed #property
Added topic ChartSaveTemplate error 4003 in strategy tester
While running in strategy tester my EA generates a few chart objects. But if I try to save the chart objects into a template it doesn't create the template file. void OnDeinit ( const int reason)   {    ResetLastError ();
Added topic Cannot embed images in my forum posts?
I am following this thread on how to put an image into a post: But the icon to add images that is shown in the instructions is missing in my editor menu (the one with the mountain shape that shows between 'add
Added topic Where is French in the list of languages dropdown?
Question above. Why isn't French supported in the forum
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