adaptable strategies for all market conditions (choppy and trending market conditions) - page 3

Seyedmajid Masharian:

such strategies will lose in sideways markets

There are no strategie 100 percent winner if there is please let us know.

You dont use indicators and searching for a strategie adapts to market instantly, all strategies basis on past data, how you gonna adapt to future instantly i wonder?

Ibrahim Ogretmen:

There are no strategie 100 percent winner if there is please let us know.

You dont use indicators and searching for a strategie adapts to market instantly, all strategies basis on past data, how you gonna adapt to future instantly i wonder?

The only way to peek into future is latency arbitrage. The rest is all lagging. Indicators, PA, Neural networks... ALL.

Topic starter wants crystal ball. I want one too but there are many fakes out there. 

Ibrahim Ogretmen:

There are no strategie 100 percent winner if there is please let us know.

You dont use indicators and searching for a strategie adapts to market instantly, all strategies basis on past data, how you gonna adapt to future instantly i wonder?

I exactly know there is not any strategy that wins 100 percent of times and if you have make attention i did not tell that what i told is an strategy that make money  in every market conditions . I dont rely on previous market data i am looking for an strategy that dont need to predict the market using previous data becasue forex is not predictable so it should adapt itself with the latest market condition. 

First you want instant thing, than you want to adapt to latest. So what is your defination of latest? 1 minute, 1 day, 1 month?

I wonder which you gonna adapt really and wish you success. :)

Edit; if you thinking about to adapt to seconds (arbitrage) there are no broker allow you to do that and you cant scalp ticks from forex. :)
Ibrahim Ogretmen:

First you want instant thing, than you want to adapt to latest. So what is your defination of latest? 1 minute, 1 day, 1 month?

I wonder which you gonna adapt really and wish you success. :)

Edit; if you thinking about to adapt to seconds (arbitrage) there are no broker allow you to do that and you cant scalp ticks from forex. :)
Arbitrage is not good i think D1 is good but adaptable strategies are not rely on timeframes they rely on market movement size not timeframe.
Like i said i wish you success and good adapting. :)