EasyAndFastGUI - intresting problem with labeles


Hi  ..when I started using files from https://www.mql5.com/en/code/19703 i noticed that CTextLabel is created as bitmapLabel and not just label  ..if I'd like to refresh multiple variables  2-3 times a second this will take big toll in CPU. Is there a way to change this object to be just Label not BitmapLabel  ...is any one out there with similar issue ??  


EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
  • www.mql5.com
The EasyAndFastGUI library allows creating graphical interfaces for custom MQL programs.

You can just roll your own with a fast timer.

Depending on your needs you can use this: https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/constants/objectconstants/enum_object/obj_text

Or this: https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/constants/objectconstants/enum_object/obj_label 


I was not clear enough in the description  ...sorry for this
I'm using EasyAndFastGUI library - by Anatoli Kazharski from https://www.mql5.com/en/code/19703

and problem with  Label is inside the panel   ...this library is variation of Standard library from MT5 documentation   ...those labels on this picture  are bitmapLabelType  ...and i was wondering if there is quick way to change them to  just Labels  ..much easier to process by CPU ??

.Labels on the picture have even the transparency (super nice)  but in this environment this is super slow  ..each change is another update/redraw   ...Regards

Demo Panel

EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
  • www.mql5.com
The EasyAndFastGUI library allows creating graphical interfaces for custom MQL programs.

Those examples are known to have high cpu usage.

They are examples.

You can just roll your own.

Depending on your needs you can use this: https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/constants/objectconstants/enum_object/obj_text

Or this: https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/constants/objectconstants/enum_object/obj_label 

Or any other object, https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/constants/objectconstants/enum_object

I understand that they can be replaced with normal lable but when i tried to modify CTextlable class   still I'm lucking some understanding how  those objects are created (a lot of errors :) )  ...I was hoping for some direction how to change this class to pure lable object   ...I tried to find it on forum but with no luck    :)  .... ok ..I will control more when update those lables and when this will be not enough I will learn how to build those objects, I was trying to avoid this :) just want to spend time on problem in hand

Thank You for quick replay anyway  .... 

PS. non stop instead Label I spell it Lable   ..i don't know how to fix it :)


Rolling your own is usually easier then modifying someone else's project.

Your own code gives you ultimate control over the end result while using templates will get you in trouble sooner or later. 

By rolling your own i did not mean replace or modify CTextlable class but starting from scratch and writing all code yourself.