Indicators: Day Trader Market Profile - page 4


"For who asks about what the Market Profile do, see the strategy tester image (1000% Profit)."

Where can I see this "strategy tester image (1000% Profit)"?

Hi Bassam, It's working for EURUSD, But i cannot seem to make it work for SPX500
Hi tzah1,i will add to it the property to view the futures profiles.


Thank you for sharing this great MP indicator.

Can you tell me what settings I need to use in order to view merged profiles? For example, if I wanted to look at a weekly profile and have the indicator mark the 30min periods on Monday and Tue for the Initial balance? Right now it's a daily market profile indicator, it would be great if we could get a weekly and/or Monthly View.



Hi mhn, it doesn't has the ability to view merged profiles, but I will give it a try, I promise. 
Kettani abdouessalam:
السلام عليكم
شكرا اخي بسام على هذا المؤشر الرائع
عندي ملاحظة صغيرة بخصوص حدود الفاليو؛ فهي مختلفة بعض الشئ بالنسبة لباقي المؤشرات، فهل اعتمدت نسبة 70 أو  68 لحسابها ؟؟
هل حليت مشكلة الستيب بالنسخة الأخيرة ؟؟
شكرا مرة اخرى
وعليكم السلام 
مرحبا اخي .. المؤشر يعطيك امكانية التحكم بنسبة الفاليو اريا كيفما تريد بإدخال القيمة في Persent_Of_TPO_ValueArea من المتغيرات الخارجية.
وبخصوص الستيب فالحقيقة انني اكتشفت ان فكرة تحديدها اليا بدون التدخل فكرة غير منطقية لان معدل التغير في الرينج اصبح يتغير بصفة سنوية وربما بمعدل اكبر من ذي قبل.

Thank you very much for the indicator Bassam! :)
Hi Nikolai, u r welcome.

"For who asks about what the Market Profile do, see the strategy tester image (1000% Profit)."

Where can I see this "strategy tester image (1000% Profit)"?

Hi, I tried to add the strategy tester image before, I don't know where the problem is..and can't edit the main post that I missed my account. 

Thank you so much for this indicator. I´m so grateful. :-)

Dear Bassam,

I am trying to apply the market profile of day trading on mt4.

Here in India the markets for stock futures open at 09:15 hrs in the morning and for commodities it opens @ 10:00 hrs.

I am unable to put the proper inputs.

Could you please help?

Also, I am getting open two times. please see the screen shot.

Please help.





Anyone can help wrt this code, email me



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