How to run this script ?


Hello to everybody;

I am new in MQL5, even if I have a good experience as computer programmer and engineer....

I have downloaded the script below this page (  and compiled it just for a test.... I have noticed that the result is a .ex5 file, but when I click on it, the MetaTrader window opens but nothing else happens.

I really have any idea to run this example and see the result.

Pls. help me.

Custom Graphical Controls. Part 3. Forms
Custom Graphical Controls. Part 3. Forms
  • 2011.12.20
  • Dmitry Fedoseev
The first article "Creating a Simple Control" dealt with graphical control creation principles and provided a step-by-step example demonstrating the creation of a simple control. The continuation article "Control Library" set forth a set of ready-made controls. There is yet another very important graphical interface component - the form. The...

Are you talking about 3 files inside zip archive below this page?


- unzip this file

- open MT5; in MT5: Files - Open Data Folder ... and find MQL5/Include directory and MQL5/Experts directory

- place those files according to the following:

  • IncGUI_v3.mqh - an include file containing all the classes to create a graphical interface. The file should be placed in MQL5/Include directory of the Terminal Data Directory.
  • eIncGUI_v3_Test_Form.mq5 - an example of working with forms. The file should be placed in MQL5/Experts directory of the Terminal Data Directory.
  • IncGUIv3mqh.chm - documentation to IncGUI_v3.mqh file.


Thus, you should place two files to the following directories:

  • IncGUI_v3.mqh - to MQL5/Include; do not compile this file in MetaEditor, and
  • eIncGUI_v3_Test_Form.mq5 - to MQL5/Experts; it is expert advisor (it is EA, not a script), you may compile it in MetaEditor

Custom Graphical Controls. Part 3. Forms
Custom Graphical Controls. Part 3. Forms
  • 2011.12.20
  • Dmitry Fedoseev
The first article "Creating a Simple Control" dealt with graphical control creation principles and provided a step-by-step example demonstrating the creation of a simple control. The continuation article "Control Library" set forth a set of ready-made controls. There is yet another very important graphical interface component - the form. The...

Hello Sergey,

The elnGUI_v3_Test_Form..mql5 is the source file, and instead the elnGUI_v3_Test_Form.ex5, which I succesfully built from the corresponding source compilation, is the excutable; am I right ?

Now, how can I run the executable ?

Because I clicked on it; but only MT5 opens, without anything else happens.


Did you place IncGUI_v3.mqh file to MQL5/Include folder?
And - did you place elnGUI_v3_Test_Form.mql5 file to MQL5/Experts as I described above?

if yes, so

  • open MetaEditor,
  • find this file (elnGUI_v3_Test_Form) on the left side of MetaEditor,
  • open it in MetaEditor (double click on the name of this file in MetaEditor),
  • and compile it to get ex5 file (press Compile button in MetaEditor, or press F7).

In MetaTrader -

  • open the chart
  • find this file in Navigator - Expert Advisors (in this case - it will be lnGUI_v3_Test_Form.ex5), and attach this file to the chart (move this file to the chart by mouse). 


I do not know what should be happened in case you attach it (because I am not a coder sorry) ... but I explained the general procedure about how to install it.


I got the chart like this one - 

Sergey Golubev:

I got the chart like this one - 

I have explored MT5 and I discovered there is a side in which there is a script called  elnGUI_v3_Test_Form..... probably it was added when I clicked on the  elnGUI_v3_Test_Form.ex5 file....

Then I opened a chart and I clicked to the option 'Add to chart'.

Is it the correct procedure ?

Anyway my goal is to write a script which read PIP hystorical datas from a .CSV file and then show them in a graph.

Is it possible to do it ?

Look up Custom Symbols in Documentation. There are also classes to work with history files in Code Base.
Look up Custom Symbols in Documentation. There are also classes to work with history files in Code Base.

Hello Kypa... what exactly are you meaning ?

I really do not understand.


In MetaTrader Help/Help Topics would answer most of your questions for the next two months about MetaTrader.

On top of this page or in MT Help/MQL5 Documentation is where the documentation about the language is, which is C++ plus specific built-in functions. It's pretty well written, unlike, for example, Microsoft's.

On top of this page or in MT Help/MQL5 Code Base is a massive library of already written MQL5 code which you can use.

In MetaTrader Help/Help Topics would answer most of your questions for the next two months about MetaTrader.

On top of this page or in MT Help/MQL5 Documentation is where the documentation about the language is, which is C++ plus specific built-in functions. It's pretty well written, unlike, for example, Microsoft's.

On top of this page or in MT Help/MQL5 Code Base is a massive library of already written MQL5 code which you can use.

Hello Kypa,

Thanks for your help and sorry if I am disturbing you once again.... I have just read more carefully the article here ( and better studied the code enclosed.

I noticed that some controls, like CLabel and CButton are not mentioned there; so I am asking you in which article I can found an exaustieve dissertation about all the graphical controls avalaible.

Thanks again

Custom Graphical Controls. Part 3. Forms
Custom Graphical Controls. Part 3. Forms
The first article "Creating a Simple Control" dealt with graphical control creation principles and provided a step-by-step example demonstrating the creation of a simple control. The continuation article "Control Library" set forth a set of ready-made controls. There is yet another very important graphical interface component - the form. The...

There should be zip files attached at the bottom of the articles, there is the code.

This article is part 3, the other parts probably have it.