If the market is a game, then why everybody wins?


If the markets are a game, so capitalism is a game, but it seems in this game everybody is winning.

So please someone provide me just 1 example of a another game where:

1- everybody wins.

2- a game that will never end in the future, as the markets

then you will have proved to me it's a game


If the markets are a game, so capitalism is a game, but it seems in this game everybody is winning.

So please someone provide me just 1 example of a another game where:

1- everybody wins.

2- a game that will never end in the future, as the markets

then you will have proved to me it's a game


you are wrong

not all are winners

more than you believe are loosers


1. Where did you get the idea that everybody wins?  GDP increases (not counting inflation) does not mean everybody wins.  Poor investing or trading can make you broke.

2.  You can call anything a game. There is no real definition.


If the markets are a game, so capitalism is a game, but it seems in this game everybody is winning.

So please someone provide me just 1 example of a another game where:

1- everybody wins.

2- a game that will never end in the future, as the markets

then you will have proved to me it's a game

Seriously dude just stop it.

These cfd's are products that are created to allow traders to speculate about the future.

If you don't understand that this is a game, then what do you think it is ?

Just tell us what do you think it is.


If the markets are a game, so capitalism is a game, but it seems in this game everybody is winning.

So please someone provide me just 1 example of a another game where:

1- everybody wins.

2- a game that will never end in the future, as the markets

then you will have proved to me it's a game

Not everybody is winning. This is true for markets and this is true for the rest of the economy as well.

The growth is distributed among a small percent, and the rest are not only not getting better, but getting worse, in purchasing power terms.

A concentration of the capital is an ongoing process nowadays. The rich are getting richer, the middle class and the poor are getting poorer.

This tendency affects society, democracy, culture and way of living.

But this is really a very large topic.


NO! you are wrong not all are winners more than you believe are loosers"

haven't you seen the chart, it shows the global production only increases, and that is valid for everyone, so i can assume capitalism is getting things better to everyone, and if capitalism is a game, tell me what other game that everybody wins.

"1. Where did you get the idea that everybody wins?  GDP increases (not counting inflation) does not mean everybody wins.  Poor investing or trading can make you broke.

2.  You can call anything a game. There is no real definition."

1-  what would you prefer, to be a poor guy in USA today or a king 200 year ago?

2- yes there is a classical definition for a game: it need opponents, and losers and winners, and an end defined by rules, so you're wrong calling life a game

"Seriously dude just stop it.These cfd's are products that are created to allow traders to speculate about the future.

If you don't understand that this is a game, then what do you think it is ?

Just tell us what do you think it is."

CFD's follows the price of the instrument, tell me when EURUSD will end? Have you seen a game that never ends? if yes please show me 1 example,  so CFD's are not a valid example, it does not end on the end of the month

And i don't know what this is, but i don't think it's a game as you say


Not everybody is winning. This is true for markets and this is true for the rest of the economy as well.

The growth is distributed among a small percent, and the rest are not only not getting better, but getting worse, in purchasing power terms.

A concentration of the capital is an ongoing process nowadays. The rich are getting richer, the middle class and the poor are getting poorer.

This tendency affects society, democracy, culture and way of living.

But this is really a very large topic."

So you are telling me that 10 years ago you could buy more stuff than now? i can prove you are wrong on that, just see you cellphone, and the different foods...

The question remains, i just need 1 valid example of a game where everybody wins, and a game that never ends, like the markets


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The productivity index measures the output produced for each hour of labor worked. This indicator is useful for predicting inflation and output growth. If the cost of labor increases respective to the increase of productivity, and, moreover, if the increase in production costs is unlikely, then it will not cause inflation. It has a significant...

So you are telling me that 10 years ago you could buy more stuff than now? i can prove you are wrong on that, just see you cellphone, and the different foods...

The question remains, i just need 1 valid example of a game where everybody wins, and a game that never ends, like the markets

The cellphone doesn't contribute much to the quality of life. Look at the rent prices 10 years ago. Look at the property prices. The food prices are increasing as well. Compare these growth with average salary growth and inflation.

Population growth is higher than the economy growth. And if we put the tendency of concentration of the capital(bigger and fewer corporations, higher social inequality and so on...) to this equation what will we receive?

Worsening conditions for the majority(not to mention the other major problems and tendencies).

Currently markets are way more lucrative for profit than the real economy. And this is true only in times of crisis. A fight for declining resources available in the zero sum game. 

So, dog eats dog... unfortunately...


NO! you are wrong 

Whatever dude.

I think you have become addicted to opening meaningless topics.

Boyan Taksirov:

The cellphone doesn't contribute much to the quality of life. Look at the rent prices 10 years ago. Look at the property prices. The food prices are increasing as well. Compare these growth with average salary growth and inflation.

Population growth is higher than the economy growth. And if we put the tendency of concentration of the capital(bigger and fewer corporations, higher social inequality and so on...) to this equation what will we receive?

Worsening conditions for the majority(not to mention the other major problems and tendencies).

Currently markets are way more lucrative for profit than the real economy. And this is true only in times of crisis. A fight for declining resources available in the zero sum game. 

So, dog eats dog... unfortunately...

lets get the main part of what you said, food price increasing, in 10 years there will be no hunger in the world thanks to capitalism and machines

So you're 100% wrong, every year there is more food and the price is lower comparing to the month income

"Whatever dude.

I think you have become addicted to opening meaningless topics."

If you answer this topic, and provide just 1 example of a game that everybody wins, and a game that has no end, like the capitalism, and the markets, i promise to you i'll be gone

This is not meaningless, there a PRACTICAL applications for each answer, if the markets are a game or not, the definition for me changes everything, if you prove it's a game


Maybe it's a game to me but reality to you.

I think you have mental issues.

I'm not going to respond anymore because it's a total waste of time.

And markets have just opened so i go do what i do best, which is trading.

Marco vd Heijden:

Maybe it's a game to me but reality to you.

I think you have mental issues.

I'm not going to respond anymore because it's a total waste of time.

And markets have just opened so i go do what i do best, which is trading.

just say you don't know the answer, admit it: the market is not a game, and if it is, prove it to me it's like a dice or a coin toss, because those games have winners and losers, and also the end time, the markets don't