"Scary Indicator" OR Market is absolutely predictable


Dear Members and Administration of Forum

22-03-2012 on one of the Western Forex forum there was placed during one day screenshots of indicator, which is able to predict price movement on 1H charts (and any others!!!) up to 12 bars upfront...

During the trading (22-03-2012) day we published our forecasts and all traders there was able during next 12 hours verify market price and compare with our prediction.

All 100% of our predictions there was true and market movement there was exactly the same as was predicted.

There was predicted not only direction of market but on each bar there was predicted price and changes of trend. ON EACH BAR !!!

Many members saw all this. Most of them was shocked...

We told them, that this publication has only scientific goal and nothing will be sold. We wanted to show that most modern market theories are wrong.

At the end of 22-03-2012 our information from the thread there was deleted without any explanation of reason and access to forum there was blocked.

We ask administration of this forum if we can publish the same information here.

Our goal is to show for the trader, that market is absolutely predictable and no one large market player can have influence on this giant.

This indicator there was created by our scientific team in Spring 2010. Our attempt to publish our results on MetaQuote forum was fail and our article there was returned. Indicator is applicable for any financial instruments without limitations.

Very much businesses are interested to hide information, that MARKET IS PREDICTABLE.

Scientific Team


if during 24 hours from time this thread was open we will not see any prohibition from forum's administration we will understand it as signal that we can publish this materials here.

Thank you.

Sorry for poor English - it is my fifth language.


This image (193.png) there was posted first.

Date when information there was copied you can see on each image up where day and date reflected in Mac OS X.

Yellow line showing us main prediction line. Others lines provide us some additional information and have not consider them at this moment.

Left image there was made earlier and make for us prediction for next 12 bars.

On right image you can see how prediction became reality.

Other images there was published in real time and all traders there was able verify them.

Such trades discussed this:




All of them saw all process in real time.

Others images with prediction also will be published in the next post.

On the second image (199.png) you can see realization of prediction during 12 hours.

On the right part of second image you can see old publication on forum of ForexFactory (page 253) where there was image with this prediction posted in real time.

Today this 253 page is absolutely updated, my posts deleted, numbers of posts changed - my posts substituted with negative post of some junior member (!!!) making second post in his life !!!

This junior member speaking about something which on forum is not present. Probably he has paranormal ability to see this indicator on my computer if it never was published and deleted...

This publication there was made in Forum "Hedge and Correlation Strategy". Members of this forum suffering from large DD of their strategy. In my post there was written, that solution in nature EXIST and they can find additional alternative solutions, may be with less quality of prediction, but good enough for trading. We have not copies of out multiple posts, unfortunately.

Only is question who really is owner of this forum OR for whom this indicator there was such scary...

Who try to hide from the Trader's World this valuable information that MARKET IS ABSOLUTELY PREDICTABLE.

Third image show that my account there is was closed.

On that forum I got several request from members (215.png and 216.png ) who saw that publication but I cannot answer them because my account is closed I invite them here.

Picture_215.png  348 kb
Picture_193.png  288 kb
Picture_203.png  334 kb

In attached file you can find all web archive of deleted articles I found by Google.

Nothing lost


Which is the indicator please????

This image (193.png) there was posted first. Date when information there was copied you can see on each image up where day and date reflected in Mac OS X. Yellow line showing us main prediction line. Others lines provide us some additional information and have not consider them at this moment. Left image there was made earlier and make for us prediction for next 12 bars. On right image you can see how prediction became reality. Other images there was published in real time and all traders there was able verify them. Such trades discussed this: claudius jack-fx etc. All of them saw all process in real time. Others images with prediction also will be published in the next post. On the second image (199.png) you can see realization of prediction during 12 hours. On the right part of second image you can see old publication on forum of ForexFactory (page 253) where there was image with this prediction posted in real time. Today this 253 page is absolutely updated, my posts deleted, numbers of posts changed - my posts substituted with negative post of some junior member (!!!) making second post in his life !!! This junior member speaking about something which on forum is not present. Probably he has paranormal ability to see this indicator on my computer if it never was published and deleted... This publication there was made in Forum "Hedge and Correlation Strategy". Members of this forum suffering from large DD of their strategy. In my post there was written, that solution in nature EXIST and they can find additional alternative solutions, may be with less quality of prediction, but good enough for trading. We have not copies of out multiple posts, unfortunately. Only is question who really is owner of this forum OR for whom this indicator there was such scary... Who try to hide from the Trader's World this valuable information that MARKET IS ABSOLUTELY PREDICTABLE. Third image show that my account there is was closed. On that forum I got several request from members (215.png and 216.png ) who saw that publication but I cannot answer them because my account is closed I invite them here.
Which is the indicator please????

I don't understand you. Yellow line of attached imaged represent curve of indicator prediction for next 12 bars..


Pls how do we get this indicator downloaded to test and verify.


Post the indy already and stop with all this hide and seek b.s.

Pls how do we get this indicator downloaded to test and verify.

Attached web archive in above post (post#3) contain discussion with answer for your request.

Post the indy already and stop with all this hide and seek b.s.

Attached web archive in above post (post #3) contain discussion with answer for your request.


Yellow line of attached image show price movement direction for the next 13 hours from time of image publication.

Free prediction for next 13 hours

Picture_238.png  80 kb
Pls how do we get this indicator downloaded to test and verify.

Look at time of prediction publication in last post 26-03-2012.

Next look at price movement in your MT4.

Prediction made for 13 hours upfront.

To test indicator is enough compare prediction and market data after prediction. To do this is not indicator necessary. Is not it ?