I'm using a simple code like ...
input bool ShowInfoOnChart = true;
Then, use Comment( ) to display all settings on chart.
This way you cans switch On and Off the setting show on the chart the easy way.
Hi there,
I was wondering if it was possible to get a list of input parameters given to an EA or Indicator?
Right now I'm logging my EA's settings to a new file automatically whenever it detects that I'm using different settings so that I can look back and see what I was using in the past. However, this relies on me hard coding the input variables into a function which was ok at first but sometimes I forget to update the function when I add a new input and then of course it's settings aren't logged to the file.
That's unfortunate.
Thanks for your help.
Use ChartSaveTemplate + parsing of new tpl-file.
Example for buffer's color
Форум по трейдингу, автоматическим торговым системам и тестированию торговых стратегий
Как в индикаторе узнать текущий цвет индикаторной линии?
fxsaber, 2017.05.12 13:45
#property strict #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #define PATH "MQL4\\indicators\\" #include <TypeToBytes.mqh> // https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/16280 string GetIndicatorName( void ) { const string StrName = ::MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_PATH); const int Pos = ::StringFind(StrName, PATH) + ::StringLen(PATH); return(::StringSubstr(StrName, Pos, ::StringLen(StrName) - Pos - 4)); } void SeekToString( const int handle, const string Str ) { while (!::FileIsEnding(handle)) if (::FileReadString(handle) == Str) break; return; } struct BUFFER_STRUCT { int Shift; int Type; color Color; ENUM_LINE_STYLE Style; int Width; }; const BUFFER_STRUCT GetBufferProperties( const uint Num = 0, const bool FlagSave = true ) { BUFFER_STRUCT Res = {0}; const string FileName = ::WindowExpertName() + ".tpl"; if (FlagSave ? ::ChartSaveTemplate(0, "..\\MQL4\\Files\\" + FileName) : true) { const int handle = ::FileOpen(FileName, ::FILE_READ|::FILE_CSV); if (handle > 0) { ::SeekToString(handle, "name=" + ::GetIndicatorName()); if (Num == 0) ::SeekToString(handle, "</expert>"); else { const string TmpStr = "weight_" + (string)(Num - 1); while (!::FileIsEnding(handle)) if (::StringFind(::FileReadString(handle), TmpStr) == 0) break; } if (!::FileIsEnding(handle)) { static const string Property[] = {"shift", "draw", "color", "style", "weight"}; const string StrNum = "_" + (string)Num + "="; for (int i = 0; i < ::ArraySize(Property); i++) _W(Res)[i * sizeof(int)] = (int)::StringToInteger(::StringSubstr(::FileReadString(handle), ::StringLen(Property[i] + StrNum))); } ::FileClose(handle); } } return(Res); } void OnInit() { string Str = "Colors:"; for (int i = 0; i < indicator_buffers; i++) Str += " " + (string)i + "-" + (string)::GetBufferProperties(i).Color; Alert(Str); } void start() { }
I was wondering if it was possible to get a list of input parameters given to an EA or Indicator?
#include <fxsaber\Expert.mqh> // https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/19003 void OnStart() { MqlParam Parameters[]; string Names[]; if (EXPERT::Parameters(0, Parameters, Names)) ArrayPrint(Names); }
This is MT4 section. The library supports MT5 only.
This is MT4 section. The library supports MT5 only.
It was an example. The library can be made to work in MT4 by adding a few lines. TPL-format is the same in MT4/5.
I have written yesterday a pyhton file, which parses the mq5 file and generates code, which returns all the input parameters and its values.
""" this script collects all inputs of a mql EA and stores them in a generated header file of an MQL for convinient access. usage: #include "GeneratedFile.mqh" string param_strings[]; getParams(param_strings); //now print or write them to a log file. """ #testing computing grid TP import numpy as np import argparse import logging import time import re from jinja2 import Template parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("mq5_file", help="The EA mq5 file") parser.add_argument("--loglevel", default="info", help="error, warning or info") args = parser.parse_args() log_level=logging.ERROR if args.loglevel=="info": log_level=logging.INFO if args.loglevel=="warning": log_level=logging.WARNING recfmt = "%(threadName)s || %(levelname)s: %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d - [%(filename)s:%(lineno)s:%(funcName)s ] %(message)s" #'(%(threadName)s) %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s' timefmt = '%y%m%d_%H:%M:%S' logging.basicConfig(filename=time.strftime("./collect_inputs.log"), #%y%m%d_%H%M%S.log"), filemode="w", level=log_level, format=recfmt, datefmt=timefmt) def type2converter(type_name): """ generates a function like IntegerToString if type_name is int """ out={"int":"IntegerToString", "string":"string", "double":"DoubleToString", "bool":"IntegerToString"} types = [] if not type_name in out: return "IntegerToString" #might be a struct or enum return out[type_name] lines=[] with open(args.mq5_file) as f: lines = f.readlines() inputs_str=[] for li in lines: if (li.startswith("input") and not "group" in li): inputs_str.append(li) print(inputs_str) params = {} for inp in inputs_str: #now parse the line. m = re.findall(r"input (\w+)\ +(\w+)", inp)[0] param_name = m[1] param_type = m[0] params[param_name]={'type':param_type, 'converter':type2converter(param_type)} #now generate the code tpl=""" void getParams(string & out[]) { //returns all param=value of the inputs string p = ""; {% for param, info in params.items() %} p = \"{{param}} = \"+{{info['converter']}}({{param}}); arrayPush(out, p); {% endfor %} } """ j2_template = Template(tpl) #print(params) code = j2_template.render({'params':params}) print(code) out_filename = args.mq5_file.replace(".mq5", "")+"_inputs.mqh" with open(out_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(code)
I hope it helps folks.

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Hi there,
I was wondering if it was possible to get a list of input parameters given to an EA or Indicator?
Right now I'm logging my EA's settings to a new file automatically whenever it detects that I'm using different settings so that I can look back and see what I was using in the past. However, this relies on me hard coding the input variables into a function which was ok at first but sometimes I forget to update the function when I add a new input and then of course it's settings aren't logged to the file.