What motivates you to trade - page 2


What can motivate me in forex first of all the trading platform it self and what is the provided features, the performance, and there support.

Second of all the EA's, Robots, Charting, ...etc.


Honesty, patience, hard labour. These 3 always motivates myself to go ahead.


My good motivation is my trading platform mxtrade which is very dedicated to me to make profit by providing many exclusive trading facilities. From my first day of trading, this ECN trading platform is making me knowledgeable trader by supplying many educational facilities which is very effective to become a professional trader very rapidly. So, my trading life is very comfort and flexible.


It is about thing that makes us keep trading in forex. And for me, because of my family and beside that, forex give chance for us to earn more profit if we want to be better. That's why i also try to learn from my experiences here.


Although suffer from lost, but through take efforts and time to learn and practice, you can trade more better. Meanwhile there are some successful story around us, If you wish God to help you, do the best you can for yourself.


Although trading in Forex is not an easy task at the beginning, once you have gained experience and knowledge and losses are dropping at the same time your profit is getting higher, this is a really good way to make extra earnings, so my motivation is keeping on improving in my trading so that it can be reflected on my investment.


Actually, by means of money organization policy very tightly and putting stop loss in right place, I safe my capital from unfortunate result. I know Forex market doesn’t follow any grammar 100%, so I am very sincere about my risk management. On the other hand, I get all fundamental data in news time from ‘Economic Calendar’ of trading broker. So, in news time I can earn huge money by knowing news trend.

To me personally one of the reasons that motivates me is of course the fact that I could generate profits, but I am also driven by the desire to become better and successful.
I got motivation from different sources. First the bigger balance that I see in my trading account, then the dynamic and rapidly changing environment.