Can I make 1 trillion dollars? - page 3


If we could Buffets of this world would already by the people that know how.

Nobody can do it


Yes, you can.

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Yes, you can.

Well he "deserved" it


You really think NOBODY could do it? Maybe it wouldn't happen today, but who knows how many billions some people have stashed away.

And, to be honest, there are ALREADY a number of trillionaires. In the middle east, the monarchies usually literally OWN everything in the country. Technically. Not in reality, but if we go technically? For example, the monarch governing Dubai. He would SURELY be considered a trillionaire if you look at it like that.

You really think NOBODY could do it? Maybe it wouldn't happen today, but who knows how many billions some people have stashed away. And, to be honest, there are ALREADY a number of trillionaires. In the middle east, the monarchies usually literally OWN everything in the country. Technically. Not in reality, but if we go technically? For example, the monarch governing Dubai. He would SURELY be considered a trillionaire if you look at it like that.

Did those monarchs made those trillions?

That is showing a system that allows trillionaires but does not allow you to make trillions (or else you would be "early retired" - as some gold and diamond market participants got an "early retirement" kiss - just in order to keep certain people in control of the prices)


I say impossible is nothing. It's a good, if unbelievably incredibly supremely farfetched goal.


What should I do with a trillion?

What should I do with a trillion?

A couple of pizzas would be good

A couple of pizzas would be good

Nagh - not a healthy food


A couple of pizza for a billion???

Hihihihi...., its really funny guys. you can bought it for many years.