Indicators Optimized for Offline Charts - page 2

If the solution is just a little programming trick, I think this thread does not have any purpose.

If you are sharing only ex4 code, we can not check if there is any improvement.

Wanting not to expose the community ideas, so they are not used for commercial purposes it leads to results as Range EA released here.

With the worst aspect I've ever seen, All candles are separated by gaps.

Everything is a little programming trick if you think this way. If little programming tricks have no purposes, you should avoid half of this forum.

I have code distributed among many files. If I printed out the main file content:

#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 3

#property indicator_color1 LightSeaGreen

#property indicator_color2 LightSeaGreen

#property indicator_color3 LightSeaGreen

//--- indicator parameters

input int InpKeltnerPeriod = 10; // Period to count

input int InpKeltnerShift = 0; // Horizontal Shift

input double InpKeltnerMultiplier = 1.0; // Distance multiplier



void main() {


MT4Scope* scope = manager.destroyOnExit(new MT4Scope());

manager.add(new Keltner(scope, InpKeltnerPeriod, InpKeltnerShift, InpKeltnerMultiplier));


you would ask for the two includes, too. They contain other includes, so you wanted probably all of them in the end. I have no energy to pack it for you just for making you happy to check it.

Everything is a little programming trick if you think this way. If little programming tricks have no purposes, you should avoid half of this forum.

I have code distributed among many files. If I printed out the main file content:

#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 3

#property indicator_color1 LightSeaGreen

#property indicator_color2 LightSeaGreen

#property indicator_color3 LightSeaGreen

//--- indicator parameters

input int InpKeltnerPeriod = 10; // Period to count

input int InpKeltnerShift = 0; // Horizontal Shift

input double InpKeltnerMultiplier = 1.0; // Distance multiplier



void main() {


MT4Scope* scope = manager.destroyOnExit(new MT4Scope());

manager.add(new Keltner(scope, InpKeltnerPeriod, InpKeltnerShift, InpKeltnerMultiplier));


you would ask for the two includes, too. They contain other includes, so you wanted probably all of them in the end. I have no energy to pack it for you just for making you happy to check it.

99.99% of code are programing tricks (if the code is good)

The assumption that it is simple to find them out just because they are simple (when they are solved) is as far from the truth as it can be - sometimes the shortest "programing tricks" are the hardest to find out

So, let us keep finding out "programing tricks" as it is obvious that the platform coders are lacking it


PS: nice flow charts ovo. But then you know too, that someone will also tell that it is simple. Keep up the good work. In a flood of "coders" that are, on some sites, always doing one and only thing : the "compile it with build 509 to work with new metatrader 4" type of solutions, it is a refreshment to see a coder like you willing to share his work with others


End-pointed version of SSA is particularly heavy on CPU when applied to offline charts. Here is a version that works OK on offline charts too : corridor_ssa_normalized_end-pointed_amp_alerts_2_ols.ex4


NonLag ma optimized for offline charts (and as it is told already, it works correctly on regular charts too) : nonlagma_nrp_ols.ex4

nlm.gif  72 kb


Another little trick.

Indicator binds scrolling of multiple charts.

This one is not "optimized" old indicator for offline charts, but my new indicator that may be used for synchronized scrolling of any charts.


I am appending the main file source in case someone needs to check it or whatever.

#property icon "\\Images\\avatar64.ico";

#property version "100.000"

#property copyright "Ovo (c) 2014"

#property link ""

#property indicator_chart_window

#property description "Synchronizes scrolling ofmultiple charts."

#property description "Click on a chart which should control others, then scroll it by F12, mouse or keyboard. Other charts will follow."

#property description "May be used with any timeframes and charts, including mixed symbols and offline charts."



input int CHANNEL = 0; // Identify synchronized chart group

bool MASTER = false;

#define VERTICAL_BAR "SyncMasterBar"

void main() {

manager.add(new ChartMoveListener());

manager.add(new SyncRequestListener());

manager.add(new MasterSwitchListener());


class ChartMoveListener : public MT4ChartListener {

int recentBar;


void run (MT4ChartEvent* event) {

// set to master mode only if something different than "chart change" gets fired

if(!MASTER && !event.isChartChange()) {

MASTER = true;

MT4CustomEvent e;





// return if chart is not in master mode

if (!MASTER || !event.isChartChange()) {



int firstBarIndex = (int)ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR);

// do not re-calculate

if (firstBarIndex>0 && recentBar != firstBarIndex) {

// calculate central bar

recentBar = firstBarIndex;

int barsOnChart = (int)ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_WIDTH_IN_BARS);

int focusedIndex = firstBarIndex - (barsOnChart / 2);

focusedIndex = min(max(focusedIndex,0), firstBarIndex);

datetime focusedDate = Time[focusedIndex];

// display central vertical line

ObjectCreate(0,VERTICAL_BAR, OBJ_VLINE, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSet(VERTICAL_BAR, OBJPROP_TIME1, focusedDate);


// fire central bar position to other charts

MT4CustomEvent e;








// broadcast event

void broadcast(MT4CustomEvent& e ) {

for (long newChartId = ChartFirst();newChartId > 0;newChartId = ChartNext(newChartId)) {

// skip current chart

if (newChartId == ChartID()) {

TRACE("skipping home chart " + ChartID());







// Synchronzes central bar to event data

class SyncRequestListener:public MT4CustomListener {

long lastTime;

void run(MT4CustomEvent *event) {

if (!MASTER && event.getCustomType() == EVENT_SYNCCHART_BROADCAST && event.getDoubleNumber() == CHANNEL && event.getLongNumber() != lastTime) {

TRACE("incomming event");

lastTime = event.getLongNumber();

int barsOnChart = (int)ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_WIDTH_IN_BARS);

datetime focusedDate = (datetime)event.getLongNumber();

int focusedIndex = iBarShift(NULL, 0, focusedDate);

int firstBarIndex = focusedIndex + (barsOnChart/2);

firstBarIndex = min(firstBarIndex, Bars-1);


ChartSetInteger(0, CHART_AUTOSCROLL, 0);

ChartNavigate(0, CHART_BEGIN, Bars - firstBarIndex);

ObjectCreate(0,VERTICAL_BAR, OBJ_VLINE, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSet(VERTICAL_BAR, OBJPROP_TIME1, Time[focusedIndex]);




~SyncRequestListener() {ObjectDelete(VERTICAL_BAR);}


// Switches to slave mode if some other chart gets control

class MasterSwitchListener: public MT4CustomListener {


void run(MT4CustomEvent* e) {

if (e.getCustomType() == EVENT_SYNCMASTER_BROADCAST && e.getDoubleNumber() == CHANNEL) {

MASTER = false;



scrollchart.png  64 kb

Guys, thanks for these tools


What is exactly the problem with offline chart this time?

They had problems before too, but what is screwed this time?

What is exactly the problem with offline chart this time? They had problems before too, but what is screwed this time?

One of the problems is that when you send it an event to refresh chart, it refreshes "thinks" that always all the data on the chart have changed, while that is not true at all. It causes CPU overload

In build 509 and earlier it used to work correctly (some built in internal functions are working wrong in new builds)

One of the problems is that when you send it an event to refresh chart, it refreshes "thinks" that always all the data on the chart have changed, while that is not true at all. It causes CPU overload In build 509 and earlier it used to work correctly (some built in internal functions are working wrong in new builds)

So, all in all, it is not a problem of offline chart but metatrader?

So, all in all, it is not a problem of offline chart but metatrader?

One way of looking at it

Simply, some built functions that are working correctly (and used to work correctly in older builds of metatrader) are not working as they used to (correctly). My guess is that since metatrader 5 never had offline charts and sine they are merging metatrader 4 and metatrader 5, what we are seeing are errors when using metatrader 5 machine on a thing that it (metatrader 5) never could do

And that would mean that we are going to wait for a long time for error corrections (I remember that iStdevOnArry() was working wrong for at least 4 years even though metatrader was notified of the error)