Strategy of the day- one of the best strategies of Thirdbrainfx - page 8


Daily news 11th November: Practice Demo Account - ThirdBrainFx GBP/NZD Result 5

One month ago we described our latest results from this profitable portfolio:

We have a lot of short and long positions closed behind during the past twenty five days and good results to present also. Thirty eight closed positions from which we managed to gain 3188.8 pips. This is equal to $1384.00 in our case.

The final profit in Dollars and pips is very good considering the fact that it was made in just under four weeks....

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Daily news 11th November: Practice Demo Account - ThirdBrainFx GBP/NZD Result 5 - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Daily news 12th November: 4471 pips GAIN in three weeks time

We will bring your attention today to one of our experimental portfolios. Ones a week we remove some of the strategies with the lowest results in Dollars/Pips what and add some new ones with best performance during the last seven days. We call this active trading. It is very risky and it is not advisable to use it, because there is no guarantee that the best results in the past seven days will repeat in the next seven days.

Since the middle of October up to now we have eighty three positions closed from which we managed to gain 4471.9 pips, which is equal to $580.76 in our case.....

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Daily news 12th November: 4471 pips GAIN in three weeks time - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business

We suggest you to open Demo account:


Daily news 13th November: Practice account Barcelona

Today we will present you the latest results from one of our Practice accounts.

I will remind you that the account was created 12[SUP]th[/SUP] August 2013 and the initial balance was $10,000.00. The strategies selected for our portfolio were as follows:

3-OO with currency couple USD/CHF and lot size 7.

MasterBrainFx with GBP/USD and lot size 8.

CorelianCharts with currency couple GBP/USD and lot size 7.

We haven't made any amendments with the portfolio. As you know we prefer to stick with some strategies for long period of time. The total Profit/Loss since the creation of this experimental account is $1924.52 ( 2487.2 pips). In other words we increased our initial balance with almost $2000,00 during the last four months. This is actually 20% profit, we have $11924.52 in our practice account today.

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Daily news 13th November: Practice account Barcelona - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Daily news 14th November: New experimental portfolio London

The middle of October we created new Practice account with initial balance of $10,000.00. Today we have a lot of closed positions and history behind us to present. Our portfolio consist of three strategies:

Sphynx with currency couple GBP/AUD and lot size 6.

GlobalBrainFx with AUD/JPY playing with 6K.

Thor with currency couple USD/DKK and lot size 6.

Since the creation of the portfolio 10[SUP]th[/SUP] October we managed to gain 2410.8 pips, which is equal to $463.71 profit in our case. We have almost 5% increase of our initial balance, which is $10,463.71 at present. If we keep 4-5% average increase per month we will end up with 48-60% increase of our balance after twelve months.

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Daily news 14th November: New experimental portfolio London - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Daily news 15th November: Strategies with best performance during the last 7 days

We have intention to check again if the Scandinavian currency still have the best performance among all the other currencies.

1.Alfar with currency couple USD/NOK. This strategy managed to gain 2091.7 pips and only -300 pips Max DD.

2.On second place in our rank list we will put Thor with currency couple USD/SEK with 1723.4 pips gain and almost 70% win. The strategy has -380 pips Max DD.

3.The last one in our “Top Three” Rank list is Thor this time with currency couple AUD/USD. The strategy managed to gain 1276.2 pips without any losses.

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Daily news 15th November: Strategies with best performance during the last 7 days | ThirdBrainFx :: Invest in forex market.


Daily news 18th November: Four new ThirdBrainFx strategies

The beginning of the week we don't have so many results to comment from our portfolios, so we decided to present you our new portfolio with the four ThirdBrainFx strategies.

We have four new strategies now available in both Public and Premium Zone:

  1. MorningBull
  2. EveningBear
  3. Drake
  4. RichBrain

In our portfolio with initial balance $10,000.00 we have MorningBull with currency couple EUR/AUD and lot size 10. This strategy managed to gain 9227.3 pips while it was in test period, the profit factor is 1.82 and the percentages win are almost 70%. I think it is worth having strategy like this in the portfolio......

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Daily news 18th November: Four new ThirdBrainFx strategies - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Shell we follow the trend, using the strategies with best performance in last 14 days

The strategies with best performance in the last fourteen days are the same as the strategies with best performance in the past week. We decided to take a chance of the moment and create practice account with some of these strategies. It is curious to see what will be the result, whether we can make a profit with strategies with good performance in short term and not so impressive in long period of time.

We will be very careful and soon after we reach some levels of DD, which are not acceptable for account with initial balance $5,000.00, we will deactivate the strategies. Our practice account is not Live and we play with virtual money. As you know the good performance in the past do not guarantee the same performance in the future, so it is entirely up to you whether you'll try to use this trend or you'll stick with some of the most stable and profitable strategies like ThirdBrainFx, Athena and Jupiter.....

Read the whole post here:

Shell we follow the trend and use the strategies with best performance in the last 14 days? - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Daily news 20th November: ThirdBrainFx Portfolio of the year

It is almost the end of the year and we decided to create a new practice account with some of the strategies with best performance in the last twelve months. Our initial balance is $10,000.00 and our aim is to create a portfolio with some more stable and predictable strategies:

1. The first one we have selected is MorningBull with currency couple EUR/AUD and lot size 10

2. The second one in our portfolio is Jupiter with currency couple EUR/CAD and lot size 8

3. The last one we decided to select is FuLuShou with currency couple AUD/JPY and lot size 7

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Daily news 20th November: ThirdBrainFx Portfolio of the year - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Daily news 21st November: Currency couples with best performance in the last six mont

Every day we talk a lot about different strategies and their performance, today we will review the currency couples with best performance in the last six months.

1. Using the Mirror Trader tools and selecting time frame six months we see that the most successful currency couple is USD/DKK. The first three places and the last two are taken by USD/DKK currencies, with the well known strategies like Thor, Athena, FuLuShou, ExoticFx and 008Fx.

2. The currency couple with best performance excluding USD/DKK is EUR/AUD with strategy MorningBull. The results are 6584.4 pips gain in the last six months, 1.67 profit factor and almost 70% win.

3. In eighth place we see EUR/AUD again with EveningBear. We have 4646.4 pips gained and 1.36 profit factor. The Max DD is higher compared with MorningBull with EUR/AUD, nevertheless the profit is two times and a half higher than the loss.

4. We see EUR/NZD on seventh place with strategy 008Fx. Whether you believe or not it has more or less the same amount of pips gained 4650.1 and profit factor 1.58

5. Currency couple AUD/USD ranks on sixth place with our probably most popular strategy ThirdBrainFx. Looking at the strategy curve we do not notice any big changes in the direction or big drawdown period. We have 4780.3 pips gained, 2.76 profit factor and 65% win.

After reviewing the currency couples with different strategies we can definitely place EUR/AUD on first place, EUR/NZD on second place, AUD/USD on third and USD/DKK on forth.....

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Daily news 21st November: Currency couples with best performance in the last six months - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business


Daily news 22nd November: Strategies with best performance in the last seven days

It is Friday time to review the strategies with best performance in the past week. This morning we have completely different picture compared to the last two months, when the dominant currency was USD/DKK.

1. On first place in our rank list we see Thor with currency couple GBP/AUD. This strategy managed to gain 1275.5 pips in four trades without any losses

2. On second place with 1266.9 pips gain is FuLuShou with currency couple GBP/AUD. The strategy has Zero Max Drawdown and the average profitable trade in pips is 316.72.

3. The third strategy with best performance in the past week is one of the new ones available in Mirror Trader since last Sunday – MorningBull with currency couple GBP/AUD. It managed to gain 1195.5 pips in sixteen trades and the Max DD is – 443 pips....

Read the whole post here:Daily news 22nd November: Strategies with best performance in the last seven days - ThirdBrainFx - Strategies Performances - Forex Business