Hotpip Forex - page 4

When I traded opm I had a dual wan router with DSL and Cable. I had a gasoline powered generator and 3 computers. I traded with this set up for several years without any interruption. I also had a 2nd shift with a live trader watching and we both had landlines to the dealer if there was a problem. But as Igor has explained, even VPS services can go down. I think that one must build in redundancy's the best that he can.

Some guy who trades on a demo account moving his office from one Continent to another and turning his computer off for two hours a day, does not seem so responsible to me.


Definitely good points but nothing is full proof. Hell, providers broker might disconnect him as part of dirty games they play or actual technical problems.

Either way, RAS shoudl at least give option to 1 keep trades open as long as they haven';t beeen closed on provider's accout. 2, RAS should allow for user set emergency hidden stops for those type of situations. I definitely wouldn't want my trades getting closed every time provider is offline for whatever reason.

Then this is fundimental flaw in RAS. How can any provider always keep his MT4 online. Power and internet outages, comp failures and so on would trigger lots of unwanted and potentially disastrous closures.

Hi zmog,

That is not a flaw of RAS.

It is up to you before you start with a vendor to KNOW that he has a real professional attitude and will do everything possible to avoid the problems that could be avoided.

100% sure you will never be. And even the most professional vendor will not give you a guarantee that a mechanical failer will never happen.

Even a broker can not give you that guarantee. It would surpise me that you never lost connection with your boker.

Again if you go for the vendor that would give the smallest risk in case he would loos connection with RAS should be a very important element in your choise on subscribing on a system on RAS.

Friendly regards...iGoR

Why does RAS need to close a position, if it loses connection to a vendor. Why can it simply not wait until the vendor sends the signal to close the order.

This would suggest that any long-term position trading cannot be safely done with RAS, as any floating draw down positions would be closed if the vendor lost their connection. And as you say, even a VPN can lose a connection.

Can RAS not be changed, so as to not send a signal to close orders, if the connection is lost.

Hi Dynamic,

You need to understand and accept that RAS need to take safety precautions.

It is not because somebody has the ticket "vendor" on his forhead that this means he has a professional attitude.

On the contrary most vendors are youngsters between 18 and 25 years old and want to make a couple of dollars by introducing some trading system that they quickly develloped in their bedroom.

They took their first steps in trading and in develloping and in backtesting and came up with some interesting results. They don't have the money to trade the system themself so they say why not first make a little bit of money through RAS and if they have enough capital they stop sending signals and trade from that money.

The people from RAS are not cappable to see if somebody is REALLY professional or is just some newbie who thinks he invented the holy grail.

Just imagine that his newbie opens a couple of trades and some subscribers follow his system and have severall open trades.

He fals asleep in his bed with a sigaret in his mouth and his house burns down. PC gone no more connection, even more for all the same he is dead.

Or that same newbie is drinking a few beers and suddenly poors a bottle of beer over his laptop and his pc is completaly f*cked-up.

Or he is develloping an other system and he completaly messes up and he has a compleet crash of his pc and did not take any backups.

Or his mother is fed up with him sitting in his bedroom instead of trying to find a proper job and pulls out the connection of his laptop and hides his pc somewhere in the garage.

Or in the worst case this newbie decide he suddenly has enough of sending out signals because he only has 3 subscribers and decide to stop in the middle of some open trades and pulls out the plug.

For all these kind of stupid and un-professional reasons RAS needs to build in a security to close down the trades of the subscriber before those open trades burn up his account completaly.

So it is up the the vendor to give a professional impression and attitude so that people would subscribe to him because they know he will alsways stay professional no matter what happens.

The professional vendor will be the one with vps servers and if nescessary a generator in case he has an electricity failer

And as I tryed to explain, make sure which kind of system that you choose.

You have the choise. RAS does not forse you to take a certain system. So choose a system that does not have enormous floating losses. So If RAS needs to close your postions because they lost connection with the vendor that this would not have a dramatic impact on your results.

If you ask yourself how to choose a vendor that does not work with big floating losses then that is quite easy.

Look to their charts. First clik on 90 days. They show 2 lines. An orange one and a blue line.

The blue one represents the profit on closed orders. The orange line shows how much the loss was on open or floating losses.

The furder or wider that those 2 lines are away from each other on some points of the chart that means that such a vendor is working with big floating losses.

If you check out the results of hotpips over a 90day period you will see huge floating losses (at some point nearly killed his account)

Same for somebody like globisforex. His results on closed postions showed the best ever system. But his floating losses killed his account.

Conclusion: basket and grid trading systems (many open trades or the vendors that ask you to be cappable to hedge) have a very high risk. Not only by the results that they can produce but when a connection failer happens between the vendor and RAS it will cause serious losses.

Friendly regards....iGoR


Hi Hotpip,

in the night,

the same case happened again:

2010.03.24 01:18 135.856 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.50

2010.03.24 01:18 135.858 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.04

2010.03.24 01:18 1.50249 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.20

2010.03.24 01:18 1.50249 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.40

2010.03.24 01:18 1.50249

It seems you shut down your station again

because your latest stats are from:

2010 March 24, 01:04

Solve this problems or i will unsubscribe

At the moment your service doesn't work!!!!!


We don't shut down our station!!

Hi Rippes?

I want to inform you that, from yesterday to now we never shut down our station, and we told you before, we will not shut down our station during all this week just to recognize the problem, it seems leaving our station online 24h/day don't fix the problem, I think only RAS can fix one big problem like this, because its not difficult for them to program their EA such away that make it never close or open any trade unless receiving signal from vendor, and soon we are planning to join VPN but this also will not fix problem as posted by some vendor that even VPS services can go down, so my suggestion is that, first and final solution to fix this problem is with RAS, they need to program their EA to be more intelligent, about why my status of trading not updated on MT Intelligence - Statemant for Hotpip System I explained to you before the problem is you this server, where they sometimes don't update our status of trading for a long time, but we are setting them to update our status of trading each 5min.

I want add this to iGoR when we look for a successful trading system in a forex such as Hotpip Forex System, we put in our account so many things regarding to currency trading and it's not logical to put in our account the madness of RAS EA because this is RAS problem and they need to make their EA fit to our trading style as their is some people encouraging our system of trading and they subscribe to our signals. if iGoR using so classic system of trading that need to use stoploss, we also have system like this and very successful, but this classic kind of trading usually worth very little pips with compare to such a modern model of trading like Hotpip Forex System, it is true in Hotpip Forex system we don't put stoploss but this never mean their is not stoploss, but their is stoploss and its hidden because Hotpip Forex system uses a very complicated way to set convenient stoploss that changes with time and some closed positions with loss in our history of trading proof my say.

I think only RAS can fix one big problem like this.

This error was evaluated during the many months by many programmers in past (not for your signal - it was ealuated in general). So conclusion of many prorammers are the following: it is vendor's error coming because of closing Metatrader for the long time, or using some special copy trades tool forcing the trades to be closed immediately and so on.

Example: some vendors closed metatrader at night, the other vendors used some copy tools, next vendors used some incompatible software together with RAS, and so on.

It should be fixed on the vendor's side.

Go to RAS support and post log files and speak with the programmers and they will help.

I am talking about help. I am not talking about battle and so on.

Because moderators of RAS are having the instruction to disactivate any signal with this error.


How we can speak programmers?

Hi newdigital?

Thanks for your help, but please how we can speak with the programmers



in the morning the same problem:

2010.03.24 09:47

2010.03.24 09:48

2010.03.24 09:48

2010.03.24 09:48

I checked my Mt4i.stats and they doing very well,

together with problem of the closed trades,

i think you've got a connection or server problem

and your Homepage is also down




in the morning the same problem:

2010.03.24 09:47

2010.03.24 09:48

2010.03.24 09:48

2010.03.24 09:48

I checked my Mt4i.stats and they doing very well,

together with problem of the closed trades,

i think you've got a connection or server problem

and your Homepage is also down
Hi newdigital? Thanks for your help, but please how we can speak with the programmers

In RAS support.

But ... may be you know the problem and will fix it by yourself ...