For "Solar wind" believers - page 35


What makes me wonder is the following :

It is easy to imagine that if "solar wind" is such a magic and since it exists for ages, that people would notice and use to get immensely rich. But, since nobody got rich using that thing, isn't that even easier to imagine why? Is it because nobody was smart enough to notice how good that ... thing is? Or is it simply because what is displayed is not usable? Come on people : if solar wind is the 7th wonder of the world, let us all get rich. Or let us all forget about that .... thing and do some real learning instead, and leave that thing where it belongs : in the oblivion

The professionals are all idiots, and you, mladen, programm so many good indicators but compared to Solar Wind, they're quick forgotten. All the guys in so many forums trying to struggle with systems, patterns, TLs and such useless stuff for years - why don't they just take that quiet well know overkill indicator and just get rich? It is even free and so obvious that it is a mega burner. The proof lies on the hand - just take a look on the chart. I believe they don't want me to get rich as well, I feel it - but tomorrow (haha) I'll be rich, they will see... [/ironic_mode_off]


The professionals are all idiots, and you, mladen, programm so many good indicators but compared to Solar Wind, they're quick forgotten. All the guys in so many forums trying to struggle with systems, patterns, TLs and such useless stuff for years - why don't they just take that quiet well know overkill indicator and just get rich? It is even free and so obvious that it is a mega burner. The proof lies on the hand - just take a look on the chart. I believe they don't want me to get rich as well, I feel it - but tomorrow (haha) I'll be rich, they will see... [/ironic_mode_off]

The logic of the thinking is what puzzles me :

All know that thousands and thousands have seen the solar wind. Why then the thought that all those thousands did not see something that "will make them rich"? Cause all the others are morons? You see : the whole thing is basically flawed in logic


The logic of the thinking is what puzzles me :

All know that thousands and thousands have seen the solar wind. Why then the thought that all those thousands did not see something that "will make them rich"? Cause all the others are morons? You see : the whole thing is basically flawed in logic

human mind is basically flawed in everything
human mind is basically flawed in everything

I agree

But where does the "the others did not see what I see cause I am smarter" thingy? And why? Once when we accept that we are not that special, that is when we start making money in trading. If we do not make that step, we shall always stay losers


The logic of the thinking is what puzzles me :

All know that thousands and thousands have seen the solar wind. Why then the thought that all those thousands did not see something that "will make them rich"? Cause all the others are morons? You see : the whole thing is basically flawed in logic

Yes, when newbies get $-signs in their eyes... the money makers do really their best giving us the runaround but Solar wind believers (as well as pollan proponents) aren't interested in the whizzy game and instead they pull their own legs by killing themselves. To bad, all the joy they miss.


I agree

But where does the "the others did not see what I see cause I am smarter" thingy? And why? Once when we accept that we are not that special, that is when we start making money in trading. If we do not make that step, we shall always stay losers

I witnessed a craftsman guy who laughted about all the studied business guys in 2009, said he would be much smarter than they are and went to his bank for a 5000€ loan what he invested right into stocks. His fundamental analyses were so good that he always had an break even, but that one never ever should take a loan to invest it every business student learns that in his first week at university (unless earlier). He never looked into forums or asked others for their oppinion. Smart is different.

I agree

But where does the "the others did not see what I see cause I am smarter" thingy? And why? Once when we accept that we are not that special, that is when we start making money in trading. If we do not make that step, we shall always stay losers

i dont agree with this statement cause sometimes a fresh eye can see different aspect of subjective structure we all involved in(aka forex), but when a proven fact is available it's idiotic to ignore it as long as everything is objective.
i dont agree with this statement cause sometimes a fresh eye can see different aspect of subjective structure we all involved in(aka forex), but when a proven fact is available it's idiotic to ignore it as long as everything is objective.

I think the problem is to distinguish between a free "Holy Grail" (where you do nothing but click a botton when Buy or Sell pops up and on the other side something that is kept silently in the jungle called internet and where you have to learn a lot first and think and make real decisions. I think you know what i mean ;)

Sadly, the "I'm smarter than all the old stagers and studied idiots" will very likely never read this.


The solar wind story is specific :

It was proven ages ago that solar wind is simply a wrongly converted tradestation code. There was no intention to do what was later it used for, there was no intention to add some value. There was simply a coding error. And that is all

And still people are refusing to see that it is a coding error - nothing else

It can not be compared to other things. Using extrapolation? F.. good since it is a math model as sound as it gets. Using Fourrier analysis? Even better - there would be no electronics world without it, just one example among 100s of examples what depends of Fourrier. Using mtf? Why of course - that is as good as it gets in TA and using higher time frame analysis for decisions is one of the basic rules in trading decisions. And we could go on and on and on ... But ignoring that something is nothing but a coding error? No logic. No reason. And there is no fresh look that could revert that it is just a peace of a wrong code

There are no fresh looks in a fact that people are deciding that there is some magic where there is no "m" from a magic at all. If we want magic, see Goertzel browser when it makes a guess and when it guesses 100# correct. But also see how magic it is when it does not guess. But magic in using future data that does not exist? No magic. Just desperation


The solar wind story is specific :

It was proven ages ago that solar wind is simply a wrongly converted tradestation code. There was no intention to do what was later it used for, there was no intention to add some value. There was simply a coding error. And that is all

And still people are refusing to see that it is a coding error - nothing else

It can not be compared to other things. Using extrapolation? F.. good since it is a math model as sound as it gets. Using Fourrier analysis? Even better - there would be no electronics world without it, just one example among 100s of examples what depends of Fourrier. Using mtf? Why of course - that is as good as it gets in TA and using higher time frame analysis for decisions is one of the basic rules in trading decisions. And we could go on and on and on ... But ignoring that something is nothing but a coding error? No logic. No reason. And there is no fresh look that could revert that it is just a peace of a wrong code

There are no fresh looks in a fact that people are deciding that there is some magic where there is no "m" from a magic at all. If we want magic, see Goertzel browser when it makes a guess and when it guesses 100# correct. But also see how magic it is when it does not guess. But magic in using future data that does not exist? No magic. Just desperation

 When a term or a word or a thing or a activity is initiated once and unfortunately spreads out in public and adapted by majority of persons with out proper measuring and calculating plus minus consequences,then it is so hard to remove and block that,same like SR and Fibo levels,these have no concern to price move (comparing to economic data and news) but because there are majority of traders they had setup their minds/decisions and trading like wise so often or some times price acts/reacts at these levels,in an other example,in elections, numbers of heads are counted not what is and how much is in head,a general citizen of some country and a PHD level citizen of that same country have same value of their votes,when their is a lot of difference of true wisdom and exact opinion level.11 street hawkers and or cowboys can easily defeat 10 intellectual scholars.but because it was started/validated and spread out once,now can not be changed.and so many other illogical terms spread out like wise,so solar wind is one of those.
One more
Mega_Fx.mq4  5 kb