45% world's wealth destroyed - page 3

I do agree with some of the earlier post on "nothing is destroyed".Everything is energy and if you know energy it cant be created or destroyed.It was always there.Wealth cant be created or destroyed its a perception between the have's and those who say "have not".But yes the wealth is being lets say shuffled before starting the game again. L&M

nothing is destroyed... but distorted!!



Using letter "F"...instead of the whole word..I believe it is you who have problems with performing...and NO..I wouldn't want to be occupant of the white house after present fiasco...thank you very much...it stinks ghetto in there...

Performing?So,it is an issue with you ?Now,I understand your pathetic posts...Hahahahah...Your belieFs are unbelievable,my dear mongoloid...I can`t imagine what made you think you could be the occupant of the White House besides the fact that they may need untrained service ..BUT...No,you don`t qualify...as usual




Performing?So,it is an issue with you ?Now,I understand your pathetic posts...Hahahahah...Your belieFs are unbelievable,my dear mongoloid...I can`t imagine what made you think you could be the occupant of the White House besides the fact that they may need untrained service ..BUT...No,you don`t qualify...as usual S

They already got untrained service...In any case..I find your answers to my extraordinary messages not smart...therefore I would like without your permission to finish our meaningless conversation...


The probability& The root

Dear Simba & Pava

Chances are you or any of us will unlikely never meet.When people go away.What others truly remember are words.So make that count.What people say to us is not so important as how those words make us feel as thats what we need to deal with.From this vantage pt. everything becomes a reason to evolve higher

So guys just call it a truce seen posts from both of you some very insightful and some funny.To success

Have a gr8 day




Dear Simba & Pava

Chances are you or any of us will unlikely never meet.When people go away.What others truly remember are words.So make that count.What people say to us is not so important as how those words make us feel as thats what we need to deal with.From this vantage pt. everything becomes a reason to evolve higher

So guys just call it a truce seen posts from both of you some very insightful and some funny.To success

Have a gr8 day


Let me tell you a secret...I just finished reading a wonderful book "How to influence people & win friends"...and am applying principles that so overwhelm me...in practice.....

Let me tell you a secret...I just finished reading a wonderful book "How to influence people & win friends"...and am applying principles that so overwhelm me...in practice.....


I think expectations create self fulfilling prophecy's.Trying to imitate words of wisdom either from the holy books or others and applying them in our life during moments of trialsat 1st can be very confusing.A slap on the cheek will hurt no matter which book you read or have read.....lol

But here is where it gets interesting.It doesnt matter what blocks are falling in our life.How you choose to place them in your life which alters your current experience and the future.Actually everything has happened in the realm of no time and space.Its this choosing which deternines what happens next

Been doing this since i was a teenager.I am always surprised whatever i think of .By that i mean believe in it passionately happens every single time..Now i understand just one line from the holy books when they say Believe.Just one line there are yet sooo many more ........

Good Journey





I think expectations create self fulfilling prophecy's.Trying to imitate words of wisdom either from the holy books or others and applying them in our life during moments of trialsat 1st can be very confusing.A slap on the cheek will hurt no matter which book you read or have read.....lol

But here is where it gets interesting.It doesnt matter what blocks are falling in our life.How you choose to place them in your life which alters your current experience and the future.Actually everything has happened in the realm of no time and space.Its this choosing which deternines what happens next

Been doing this since i was a teenager.I am always surprised whatever i think of .By that i mean believe in it passionately happens every single time..Now i understand just one line from the holy books when they say Believe.Just one line there are yet sooo many more ........

Good Journey


believing works like any indicator........sometimes.....


Only when actual cash is invested into an asset it's valuation equals it's monetary value.

Example-: World economy was worth $1600 Trillion which mean actual cash $1600 Trillion was invested into world economy.

Now 45% wealth has been destroyed which means there has been actual cash losses of $750 Trillion.


wrongy ,wrongy

Only when actual cash is invested into an asset it's valuation equals it's monetary value.

Example-: World economy was worth $1600 Trillion which mean actual cash $1600 Trillion was invested into world economy.

Now 45% wealth has been destroyed which means there has been actual cash losses of $750 Trillion.

Your example is biased...one day I buy all 1 bln shares of Microsoft at 1$ then I sell 1 share in the stockmarket to you at 2$...your valuation model says Microsoftis worth $2bln ...AND..this doesn`t means 2$bln were invested in Microsoft..actually NET investment was just 1bln and 1 $(I put 1bln and took back 1 NET(2$-MY cost of 1$)plus you put 2 $)..the next day you sell your share to a friend at 2.5$,so now,according to you,you should conclude that 2.5 bln$ were invested in IBM?..no,my friend,NET investment was 1 bln and 1.5$...so,when IBM goes back to its fair price,1.000000001.5(let`s presume I bought fair) ...according to you 1.5bln$ of value(less change) have been destroyed ...Man,clearly this is not so...Again,study the tulipmania in Holland a few centuries ago,what?When tulips went back from being worth the same as 2 houses to the price of a flower...value was destroyed?No,my friend,what was destroyed was the madness of a crowd...Do not confuse madness with value ..and do not confuse real value with papermoney cash



nice words


I think expectations create self fulfilling prophecy's.Trying to imitate words of wisdom either from the holy books or others and applying them in our life during moments of trialsat 1st can be very confusing.A slap on the cheek will hurt no matter which book you read or have read.....lol

But here is where it gets interesting.It doesnt matter what blocks are falling in our life.How you choose to place them in your life which alters your current experience and the future.Actually everything has happened in the realm of no time and space.Its this choosing which deternines what happens next

Been doing this since i was a teenager.I am always surprised whatever i think of .By that i mean believe in it passionately happens every single time..Now i understand just one line from the holy books when they say Believe.Just one line there are yet sooo many more ........

Good Journey


Very nice words indeed,yes you are right,beliefs are the starting ground were we build the life we want...Thanks for your kindness.