45% world's wealth destroyed - page 10


p.s. and there, off course - we don't want disrupt this tread



- interesting thought, P.

btw. there is few interesting thoughts in your threads too I would love to discuss, if you don't mind, off course ...



Sure...but no namecalling:)


Worldwide forex transactions are worth $3 Trillion per day.

World stock markets are worth $30 Trillion to $40 Trillion (estimated)



Quote "The derivatives market is ten times the total GDP of the world, or $600 trillion, Mobius pointed out."

So,if 45% of world wealth has been destroyed,they can still play with their position?..Juts 0.45% of their 100:1 credit lines ...I am joking....BUT..THAT is exactly how they view this issue.

The keyword here is "credit lines" .




Debt per citizen = $38,462

Private debt per citizen = $24,109

Liability per citizen = $192,133

USA is bankrupt



Barack Obama and his team have failed the USA with $82 Trillion of debts on and off the books.


Well Said iGoR

It is interesting the spin some put on things. You will note that things aren't so bleak that there is a link to his managed accounts on his posts.


this is the problem of americas financial system

The Creature from Jekyll Island, The Federal Reserve, talk by Edward Griffin