Trading System by Xard777 - page 293



Latest version... Idea is to trade off the high/low line in the opposite direction of the orange filter line.


x-xxxxxx.rar  251 kb

Latest version... Idea is to trade off the high/low line in the opposite direction of the orange filter line.




Latest version... Idea is to trade off the high/low line in the opposite direction of the orange filter line.


Fist, thanks Xard777 alots!

And can you please explain more about this trading system?

I am being confused because this system is much different with other you shared within this topic.

PS sorry because english is not my mother language.


Here is how to trade using the latest update...

How To.... - Imgur



Oh my! Seems that my inner voice was right by telling me to swing by here.

Thank you Xard777 for your genius creativity and generosity to freely share your hard work.

4 (max allowed) kisses from my wife to you.

Oh my! Seems that my inner voice was right by telling me to swing by here.

Thank you Xard777 for your genius creativity and generosity to freely share your hard work.

4 (max allowed) kisses from my wife to you.

I was just thinking about you buddy and wondered why you disappeared before I logged into here. Catch me on wwi.


Latest version... Idea is to trade off the high/low line in the opposite direction of the orange filter line.


“Once more into the fray...

Into the last good fight I'll ever know...

To live and die on this day...

To live and die on this day...”

― The Grey

Wow! Xard posted a new update on his setup.

Very Cool! You guys are actually getting this updated version before me for once.

This updated version looks amazing and blows the previous versions out of the water.

So once again here we are back into the fray of things.

Maybe we can discuss how best to use this setup and trade it.

Since you guys have had it at least a week before me. I might just follow your lead on how to trade this one.

I will test it some, and see what we can come up with on how best to utilize this setup to its fullest potential.

But first can you all give your first impressions on the setup? What do you all think of it?

I would really like to get some of the WWI crew take on what they think, (Peachy, Hot Potato, Joy22, and any of the WorldWide Invest underground crew).

I know they don't like leaving the underground world of forex trading, but your guys opinions are very welcomed here.

Underground traders are straight to the point and well tell you directly if and why they like the setup or don't. They won't sugar coat it. And that's great.



Now first of all I know for a fact that this setup was designed specifically for the Gold 1hr chart.

But it could be useful on currencies too.

Look at this eur/usd chart. just loaded the setup and bam right off the back a easy trade.


eurusdh1.png  77 kb

I like how you get some many indication that the market is Flat.

Like I said before. This setup was specifically built to trade the Gold 1hr chart.

You can see here that the 1hr Gold chart is flat.

You can see how all the levels at the right. The yesterday high, the yesterday low and all the other levels are all bunched up.

So you know right off the back that theres a lot of consolidation. And no trading going on for this chart.

On the far right the stop light says wait.

So if you use your common sense your not going to trade.

Your just going to have to wait!

Don't throw your money away, just wait.

If you place a trade on a Wait! stoplight then I would hate to ever ride along with you when your behind the wheel.

But as you can see it's obvious, we will be waiting for a breakout move.

Until that move happens and we get the buy or sell signal and it meets all our rules we will just pop the top off another beer and..... wait.

There's no hurry. Let the trade come to you.


also pretty cool how the background of the chart goes dim grey when theres no trade. And green when potential buy trade and red when potential sell trade. You like that? You can have your laptop or desk top at the other side of the room while your watching the game or what ever and can easily tell what the market condition is on that chart.

Courtesy of the Mad Scientist

goldh1_flat.png  60 kb

Xard can you please provide indicators and tpl to work for MT4 build 509? If Xard doesn't have it maybe someone else can provide equivalent indicators so we can use his system on build 509. I have indicators that won't work beyond 509 that I like to use.

Also would there have been any way to avoid theses two trades: the first vertical line for a long and the second vertical line a short? Or would you just take the trades and accept the losses? Thanks.