Trading System by Xard777 - page 188

I am totally dazzle and dizzy by murray maths

however , for those who are fond of Murray maths

it is kind of like subelectronic orbit of inorganic chemistry

pattern recognition for that market condition -- remember , it change every few moths - goldman sachs people could drive the price fluctuation degree

they know how many levels move -- it become a retractement and might rebound next

what is the next one that will jump

but I guess it is currency and TF specific


maybe for those who love murray maths to have a comparison of different pairs-- particular pip-risking level

so I say some politically correct thing here

I know why people like me, that don't like it

I know a thing or 2

about how to use it -- for those people who like it


simple mind like me, I want something pleasing to my eyes / beliefs , otherwise , discard that indicator

There is a certain way to trade Murrey Math. 99% of traders will never figured it out because they don't have the commitment to excellence. Time and experience has proven to me when it works and when it doesn't. That makes the biggest difference in the world. I truly believe the best traders out there use Murrey Math and I'm striving to be a part of that group.

Thank you for the kind words, but I am just like you, only difference maybe is ai have alittle more chart time, and back/forward test a boat load of indicators, and like zard, find it exhilerating to create. it's almost as fun as trading itself.

If some of you are having a little trouble weighing the data from 2 different snake forces, and looking at buy/sell preasure on the waddah, perhaps information over load, try using only snake forces, i.e. ( that is) for the 5 min. use a 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min snake force.

15 min: 15-30-60-4hr

30 min: 30, 60, 4hr

60 min: 60-4hr-daily

4hr: 4hr, daily, weekly

Daily: daily, weekly

weekly: weekly/monthly

trade only when you have all going the same way, until you know when it will be a pullback, as then usually only the current time snake force will go opposite, while others still have strenght to the opposite, you need to generate a feel, and chart time is the only way. I felt initially that 4 snake forces was a bit over kill, and why I only choose the best 2 time frames, with the waddah ( buy/sell ) to show preasure.

I've attatched a sample here, how this might look on a few pairs or time frames, no template is necessary to do this, you have all you need to add it yourself. But thank you, for the kind words, just like to share/help others.

This way you know what you can trust, when everything is agreeing

Ziggy tell me why not mtf snake force is not work

pls help me


if it does not workout , then finish the shagging with that indicator GF-- I am not ziggy but try my best with my Limited Knowledge

snake series like clouding-above and clouding-below is KNOWN REPAINT re-calculate indicator -- or in simple plain english, it repaint badly that make you REGRET

I will presume, you use too low TF

too freq trading

betting too close (each transaction related to each others)-- price-wise

if an indicator does not pass my LIVE forward (backtest could be rubbish in most market conditions scenarios) , then I just discard that indicator (simply because that indicator , after I do control-I -- fine tuning, it waste my time to test it), that's why, I have not fully test niceguy triple-7 version 8 and his version 7 systems, but another one, nice enough to give me one nice triple-7 system that suit my preference-- I somehow prefer 30M TF as no one here do much research on 30 minutes candles or chartings, so I did it all by MYSELF for about 2.5 years already (someone just fine tune it , optimised it for one of his systems -- and he give it to me via PM channel -- some of the people here got INNER CIRCLE secret communication channel) == very secretive but based on more or less indicator that you can find in this thread -- but template is very different from most people download one, as we got more INSIGHT , code-INPUT into forex venture (we got demo virtual venture capital too) - to try to achieve perfect winning streak with certainty (just simple mathematics statistics and probability about equilibrium , usage, observation and balancing act to bet amongst us -- some could be TRADER -- - by the way, I am inclined to be a researcher or anlayst, sometime, I don't even bother to read the whole replies of words of newbies in the thread)


I am totally dazzle and dizzy by murray maths

however , for those who are fond of Murray maths

it is kind of like subelectronic orbit of inorganic chemistry

pattern recognition for that market condition -- remember , it change every few months (depends on big boys multi-patterns-combination fav-indicators of the season) - goldman sachs people could drive the price fluctuation degree

they know how many levels movement there is -- it becomes a retractement and might rebound next -- pattern, will it be week after week, I can't observe the consistency in murray maths - but during certain news-sensitive time zone, Murray maths does exist - have to keep the satellite/cable/web channel on --- must if you are NEWS-driven believers

what is the next one (murray math sub-orbit price levels that will jump into -- so it is kind of like fibo alike but more sense build into it-- so I don't like the vibe of these GROUP of indicator as they totally ignore whether the trend is UP, DOWN, easy channel or narrow range ECG

but I guess it is currency and TF specific


maybe for those who love murray maths to have a comparison of different pairs-- particular pip-risking level

so I say some politically correct thing here

I know why people like me, that don't like it

I know a thing or 2

about how to use it -- for those people who like it


simple mind like me, I want something pleasing to my eyes / beliefs , otherwise , discard that indicator

==== at this point, if I were you , I may wonder triplex qualification ---

am I qualified enough to be a financial derivative product , analytical strategy-nist based on my science, investment management class, MT4 chartings expereince

-- here is my qualification, will try to take this off after end of this week --

so you have to decide my badly written notes, how many % sound like a knowledge management in forex to ease you in

post-script PS -- by the way

I knew many of my SELF-NOTES-that I made on this thread regarding forex is not well said, as my maths , science teachers are really inspirating

my english teachers teach too much syntax

and I don't bother to use another 20 minutes to REWRITE in an articulated, transistion-paragraph layering, well said english -- as sometime, I just use this forum (I don't use babypip forexfactory etc to make my notes)

There is a certain way to trade Murrey Math. 99% of traders will never figured it out because they don't have the commitment to excellence. Time and experience has proven to me when it works and when it doesn't. That makes the biggest difference in the world. I truly believe the best traders out there use Murrey Math and I'm striving to be a part of that group.

What reasoures do you recommend to learn Murrey Math the correct way?


if it does not workout , then finish the shagging with that indicator GF-- I am not ziggy but try my best with my Limited Knowledge

snake series like clouding-above and clouding-below is KNOWN REPAINT re-calculate indicator -- or in simple plain english, it repaint badly that make you REGRET

I will presume, you use too low TF

too freq trading

betting too close (each transaction related to each others)-- price-wise

if an indicator does not pass my LIVE forward (backtest could be rubbish in most market conditions scenarios) , then I just discard that indicator (simply because that indicator , after I do control-I -- fine tuning, it waste my time to test it), that's why, I have not fully test niceguy triple-7 version 8 and his version 7 systems, but another one, nice enough to give me one nice triple-7 system that suit my preference-- I somehow prefer 30M TF as no one here do much research on 30 minutes candles or chartings, so I did it all by MYSELF for about 2.5 years already (someone just fine tune it , optimised it for one of his systems -- and he give it to me via PM channel -- some of the people here got INNER CIRCLE secret communication channel) == very secretive but based on more or less indicator that you can find in this thread -- but template is very different from most people download one, as we got more INSIGHT , code-INPUT into forex venture (we got demo virtual venture capital too) - to try to achieve perfect winning streak with certainty (just simple mathematics statistics and probability about equilibrium , usage, observation and balancing act to bet amongst us -- some could be TRADER -- - by the way, I am inclined to be a researcher or anlayst, sometime, I don't even bother to read the whole replies of words of newbies in the thread)

ok as u say snack force is repaint

then tell me what i use in indicators or trading system

tell me u which trading system r u use?????

ples healp me


question for xard about 4x 2011 xard fisher

I have been trying to figure out the settings to reproduce the zero crossings with a regular fisher but without success. My goal is to add alerts, emails, paint bars, binary, set timeframe period etc but with your settings on the indicator. I was wondering if you would mind sharing the parameters and if not, if you ever made one with alerts and such to save me a great deal of time on this earth by not having to stay stuck on the computer screen...I'm sure you know what I mean.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!



Nice link

First off all you need a great understanding of what Murrrey Math is. Murrey Math � Forex & Stock Trading Library
First off all you need a great understanding of what Murrrey Math is. Murrey Math � Forex & Stock Trading Library

Thank you!!