Eurusd/gbpusd - page 186


Bearish gart.

While on my 3GB ram, Core 2 Duo 2.GHZ it lags a lot. But leaving the Zup info out is no problem as I'm alway in front of my charts. I think the 1 min ZUP is a real possibility. Given that one has to stay focused on the 1min chart all day this should erect barriers to many traders actually using it.

1min beaish gartly!!

Bearish gart.

lol think our systems agreed that time!! did you hit it? it was a nice big one hey

Bearish gart.

A pidderly 4 pips and 5 pips on the Euro.

A pidderly 4 pips and 5 pips on the Euro.

hey big pipper ! ! LOL

hey big pipper ! ! LOL

Nah...I didn't pull the trigger quick enopugh on the GU so I'm now under water on this position but pattern still valid.

Nah...I didn't pull the trigger quick enopugh on the GU so I'm now under water on this position but pattern still valid.

EU I see a long signal due to price symmetry .

Nah...I didn't pull the trigger quick enopugh on the GU so I'm now under water on this position but pattern still valid.

it is indeed still valid mate. 6976 is C target.

it is indeed still valid mate. 6976 is C target.

+2 I didn't feel comfortable holding.

Bull pattern on Eu.

+2 I didn't feel comfortable holding.

german data out....must have been weak.