Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1418

stop out 3590 tp 61p ()

later week no. 3589 was signal sell----- ()

later week no. 3589 was signal sell----- ()

stop out 3575 tp14p, later week no. 3576, 3589 was signal buy---- ()

week no. gu--6179, 6184, 6192, was signal buy----6225 tp1 46p, tp2 41p, tp3 33p () ()

later 6244 was signal sell---6210 tp 34p ,later 6239, 6244, 6256, 6279 was signal buy---- () ()post 14183 on this page week no.


All as expected now. There will be no surprises (unless ECB makes a rate cut somewhere out of the blue) before FED QE taper (or no taper) announcement

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FED will not taper. They are just playing the same game as before and in the end they will do nothing

stop out 3575 tp14p, later week no. 3576, 3589 was signal buy---- ()

stop out 3604 tp1 28p, tp2 15p, ()

later 6244 was signal sell---6210 tp 34p ,later 6239, 6244, 6256, 6279 was signal buy---- ()()()post 14183 on this page week no.

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stop out 6316 tp1 77p, tp2 72p, tp3 60p, tp4 37p


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stop out 6316 tp1 77p, tp2 72p, tp3 60p, tp4 37p

week no. ------ ()post 14183 see week no.


Just a thought about FED and the QE taper : they have been crying wolf for so many times, that if they actually taper this time it will be a major surprise. I would like to see that


Everything is withing expected ranges and on expected course. No surprises. The QE taper rumors are expected as well as counter rumor of ECB further rate cuts. Per moment traders believe more to QE taper rumors and that shows on charts

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