The Legend of The Gambler - page 23


Well, it was a tough month, but I recovered a little bit on the last week.

February 2009 Monthly Update.

Account #1 Summary:

Deposit (Inception April 08): 20 000.00

2008 PnL: + 20 3XX.xx

2009 PnL: + 11 8XX.xx

Account #2 Summary:

Deposit/Withdrawal: 10 000.00

2009 PnL: - 1 0XX.xx

Tortoise Account Summary:

Deposit (Inception December 08): 5 147.29

2008 PnL: + 6XX.xx

2009 PnL: + 1 4XX.xx

Hare Account Summary:

Deposit (Inception January 09): 5 000.00

2009 PnL: + 3XX.xx


Let's just say, it has been a bumpy ride.

Main account curve below, the quick up and down spikes in the curve are actually closing hedge trades, like if I had put on a weekend hedge trade and then I take it off with another opposing trade.

My equity dip below $45K during the month of February.


A new month, a new beginning.

I was not satisfied with my results in February, and I decided to go back into my bag of tricks. I created 1 variant of my strategy to target smaller time frames in hopes of catching intraday trend. The success rate of this variant is very low in my opinion because I don't think much good comes from lower timeframes, and the spread is going to take a chunk out of profitability.

So I created another strategy to test reversion of the mean for multiple currencies at the same time. I'm sure it is very buggy. And the idea is totally wacky and never proven, I just wanted to test something different and see where it leads me as a trader. A lot of great ideas started from left field or from mistakes/failures. Wish me luck.

In this game, you either innovate, or you get left behind when the market changes.

I'll stick both of them on Demo tomorrow, and let it run for a few months.


It is not everyday that you read something written by someone else on the internet, and it just resonates within your head.

Today, I took the time to read the public posting of Professor Codebreaker. Wow, I was completely and utterly blown away, seriously I was dissecting every word for information. It was poetry. I've only known a few people personally that talks in math (mostly statisticians), and I concede that most of their conversation is above my head. But it is such delight to just listen to the mathematical logic behind each step that you can't help but be impressed and enlightened.

I'm also a big believer that math is the fabric of everything. It is like a moth that is ultimately drawn to the flame, my only disappointment is that I'm a year late.

I was so excited that I came straight here to post about my feelings, but I need to finish reading. It's like crack.


I have returned over 50% on my tortoise account. I started the account at $5000, and now it is over $7700.

However, in February, I realized the strategy is much riskier than previously thought, as I almost blew up that account in February. I was down to $2500 in equity before making a dramatic comeback with the trend. This has put me in a very tough situation to continue.

So I have come to the decision that I will stop trading that strategy, and turn over that account to the Rent-A-Signal subscription going forward. I may open another account to trade the tortoise strategy in the future.

So starting in March, my initial account balance is $7 7XX.xx, and it will be traded with the RAS signals. I have been satisfied with beta testing the overall signal service as a pseudo-seller for NewDigital, and here is where I put my money where my mouth is. And let's see if this new signals system can diversify my portfolio, and make me some $$$. I will keep the signal provider/s name a mystery for now.

Wish me luck.


After 1 week with the RAS service, I'm happy with the results. The entries are similar to the posted results on the website with small slippage on the entry and close, perhaps it is the difference in brokers or live/demo accounts.

I started on March 1, 2009, and became the first customer to Mr. La Totona's system. As initially with any kind of system, there wasn't really too much details. I just had to trust my gut instinct, and I believed La Totona because he communicated with me in a professional manner. I was looking for conservative systems with traditional lot sizing, and his system fit my criteria.

So far, I have nothing but good things to say about the whole RAS service and Mr. La Totona's signals. Although it has only been a week, and it is probably way too short to really make a claim about the profitability long term. We might fall off the face of the Earth next week, I don't know. I guess I'm the guinea pig for this experiment.

I'm hoping the good fortunes will continue for him and thus myself.

NOTE: I have also been trading the account with my own manual trades, so this Tortoise account (how fitting!) increased $200 from the RAS signals and I also made about $900 on my own manual trades. The equity for my Tortoise account is now sitting around $8 8XX xx. (So that's about a +14% increase)


I have to step aside for awhile to focus on personal matters that I need to attend to. I don't know when I'll be back. Hopefully soon.


God bless you bro, best wishes.



WTF just happened to the Swiss? I'm taking a massive loss at the moment because of that huge move. My main account is at $42K, and heading lower.


^ Fk. Just saw the Swiss cutting rates. This sucks.

SNB Cuts Rate, Intervenes to Weaken Swiss Currency (Update1) -

And their banks are not doing too well, which is surprising since well...they are the elite bankers.