New Members introduction - page 736


i want to learning forex..hi


New Members introduction

hi just now I became a member of fully informative site about forex markets, its awesome place to be.


Hi there I`m Cristian and I`m working hard to become a successfull trader.

So I wish you all good luck and I`m expected to improve my trading style being member at this forum.




I'm Clarence from the UK. I have traded indices for many years on and off quite successfully. I am now looking to expand my arsenal of systems. Hope I find this forum helpful.



hi everybody


hello all, i've been a member here for a long while, and just have to formalize by introducing myself, umm! am Solomon, from Nigeria,i 've been trading forex for a while now, and hope to share and enjoy with other fellow traders here. cheers!!


O maior problemas dos experts é que não fecham as ordens e sempre deixam la em cima ou la em baixo para abrir ordem inversas


Great website !!!. TQ


Hi everyone. I have been trading for a long time, but always trying to teach my self. That's why I came here hoping to find something new for my self and share my ideas and strategies with you.

Sorry for my English


Hi my name is Alex i new on Forex-TSD i wish success for Trading!!