New Members introduction - page 545

New members always have something to say, even the shy ones.

Take some minutes and introduce yourself to the community, tell us a little about your history, yoir ideas or why you're here, whatever.

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Welcome everyone!!!

Hi, everyone, I am new to forex trading and try to learn from this community. I will see you guys around.

Thanks !


Hi all, newly join this site to learn on programming my own EA. Looking forward and best of luck to you all!


helo.. i'd like to join this community to study more about forex.

my name crasher, from indonesia.



Welcome to forex-tsd, one of the best forex community


Hello to all

Good day to all

Hello I'm Vittorio Russo and I'm relatively new in the world of Forex.

I'm Italian and I have 30 years old, with a passion for betting, soccer (Juventus) and cars (I'm an Alfa Romeo's fan).

Before the currencies I use to bet. Soccer betting, but using a sort of Moneymanagement that guarantee me quite always fine returns in the last 2 years and half!

Probably this inclination to have a MM also in the betting pushed me to give ears to a friend of mine that works in the Forex from a couple of years and he introduced me to the world of Forex and to the world of Smalfi. I'm taking the course with them only now for many reasons, but It is more than 6 months that I start to experience and study this huge field of opportunity...

I hope I can learn as much as I can from this Forum, thanks for the opportunity you are giving me...


Hey, looking forward to learning and contributing


Yes I have something to tell that is I am very happy to join this forum.


I am new to trading and working with demo accounts. I'm learning fast and expect to be profitable on a live account soon. Thanks.


I just now became a member here and want to say hi. Im interested in forex limited risk products