New Members introduction - page 1020


cheers up everyone... im newbie here and firstly i wan to say thank you to admin and all team FOREX tsd to let me in and give me chance to get best and the best trader.. i already see all the thread and i FALL IN LOVE with this site .. anyway pleasse teach me as well to be good trader.. THANKS FOREX TSD TEAM...


hai FOREX TSD TEAM member,

im from malaysia, im glad to be here because i can get anything in here.. i already see all thread and is sooo good and improvement.. keep it up guys... im fall in love with tihs forum.. ..


Hi everyone my name is Teddy !


Hi peeps

been trading for a while.. .. here to haev a laugh and get ot know other traders and to discuss indicators ( mainly )


je souhaite avoir des renseignements concernant l'ea eurusd king


Hi all! I am Paul, and have been trading for many years now, mainly Forex. Have had the usual mixture of success and failure, and am still chasing that elusive goal of consistent success .. not easy in today's volatile markets. Looking forward to sharing trading ideas, experiences and techniques with everyone here.


hi hello everyone, I come from Vietnam keen to get acquainted and to exchange experience on forex.


hi hello everyone, I come from Vietnam keen to get acquainted and to exchange experience on forex.


Nice to meet all of you!


I am 64 yrs old and not really a new member, having joined about 7 years ago. Since then I have been taking lots of courses- some of them from people who actually knew a little (very little), trying lots of indicators and generally failing as a Forex trader.