Median Line - page 7


1h chart of usdcad. I did not buy this as I'm just in demo mode trying to learn.

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4h chart usdchf. I think this one is at an inflection point. This also is the 50% fib line. If this one can push past the 50 fib I think it has a chance at the 61.8 and or 78.6 fib. I also notice the retrace from peak to trough found support at the 38 fib line. I also see a trade in the oppisite direction should price drop through trendline.

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I'm not clear on this chart of the eurusd. Price hit the longer term med line and currently in a trading range. Not sure if a play presents. Looking at just the price I see the potential of a stall off prior highs. So I favor the downside under the support and a retest of at least the purple med line for the upside.

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Last chart for now is a 4h eurgbp.

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I'm not clear on this chart of the eurusd. Price hit the longer term med line and currently in a trading range. Not sure if a play presents. Looking at just the price I see the potential of a stall off prior highs. So I favor the downside under the support and a retest of at least the purple med line for the upside.

Price makes up mind

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4h chart usdchf. I think this one is at an inflection point. This also is the 50% fib line. If this one can push past the 50 fib I think it has a chance at the 61.8 and or 78.6 fib. I also notice the retrace from peak to trough found support at the 38 fib line. I also see a trade in the opposite direction should price drop through trendline.

Valid break in USDCHF

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Daily shows USDCAD trying to break resistance.

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Price makes up mind

price objective has been met in EURUSD. Currently testing 38 fib line and the bottom of the fork. If the 38 fails then I see possible yellow median line test. Upside test might be Range resistance.

Daily shows USDCAD trying to break resistance.

Short term price action off 1h chart has reached tgt or close enough to upper median line.


4H chart GBPUSD shows this one is at a critical area of support. I favor it to the upside as long as support holds right here. It currently has been making lower highs.

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