How to use Support and Resistance Effectively - page 22


Hi Bubble,

GBP/USD was another winner, I bought at 2.0570, the green verticle line, with a potential target 20597, gold line. The price hit 20598 on my chart, job done

With cable being so bullish and the strong support at 20577, and again at 20588. I moved my stop to 20577 and let it run to see what would happen.

I really love your S/R method Bubble. Moving between time frames, and different pairs and indexes you really get a feel for what is happening. I really feel like I am learning here, building confidence to trade for real again in a few months. (with success I hope this time)

Thanks again Bubble.

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I'm an idiot I need to take better notes on my trades. The diagram in the last post is incorrect. I guess that trade was pure luck. LOL. Sorry about that Bubble.



HI Bubble,

I am in wating for a second touch on the 2.0590 level for a buy and a TP @ 2.0644.

Any feed back would be welcome.

Looks like XKR is on the a similar tack.



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Bubble, another trade I took yesterday with Gold.

Bought on the red verticle line 682.13, target was the high of the previous peak, 684.55. It topped out at 684.80. A nice few pips. .

I hope you don't mind me hogging your thread, but you did ask for me to post other trades.


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Excellent XKR,

you took a better entry than i had ,only managed to get in at 249.62 on the gbpjpy , closed at 248.67 as the trade was only in the direction of the higher timeframe and not with the trend.

There could well be another trade here as the price has broken both peaks and troughs from the top down but lets wait until the chart is right and the price gives us the signal.

Well done again XKR,let me know which other trades you have taken ..



Currently 248.46 from 249.43 target hit, you beauty Bubbles


GBP Long Trade

Here is a long trade on the gbp. Entry was a bit late @2.0625. Because we don't have any other historical data to look at decided to try and get 20 pips just before the resistance line @ 2.0648.

Target hit @ 2.0645 +20 pips




my only thoughs here are that we should exercise caution with the GBPUSD as once again we are trading this beast blind, we have no historical data to find any areas that might temporarily stall the price on the 60 min and 240 although it is still looking strong on the daily.

Just bear in mind when it hits a resistance on one of the higher timeframes its going to come tumbling down.

Hello Bubble,

yes, I am going to keep the stop tight.

I wanted to post this chart to ask for your feedback. I got stopped out.

Did I miss something?


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Assuming you took a long trade from around 2842 ,


I think you mean 2.4820 or did I miss something?????

Bubble, Thanks very much for the clearer explanation, it makes much more sense when viewing on the 15 min timeframe. I understand where you are coming from now.

Good to see you still have your nose firmly embedded on the grindstone Steve?

You appear to have a knack for unearthing gems amongst the rubble, keep the study (& questions) going. The only way to learn is to ask

Nice thread bubble - anything which keeps the working template clean & tidy is well worth the trouble. I sure hope folks appreciate just how valuable this kinda information really is.

Forget all those wiggly lines & fancy artwork underneath the chart reference! Keep it clean & keep it honest


Hi Bubble and the gang,

I took this trade on gbp/chf, target about 60 pips, but I'm not sure if it was good or just dumb luck again.

I am not sure if the price just barely touching the support line (arrowed) is a valid signal, or does the bar have to close nearer the support line.

I promise not to bug you all day tomorrow Bubble.......Thanks again.

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