**Steinitz** Method Revealed Here - page 37

Thanks a lot for your help. I tried the zip version , same result. So I used savefile.com Lilly


Many thanks for your hard work of collecting and editing then sharing the information




I don't think so

It was mentioned if all the timeframes could all be displayed at once, is that possible?

I read somwhere about that where mql language only has enough buffers to display the 4 levels at once. It's really all you need, to be honest.


HAS Method

As I predicted to STEINITZ this method would eventually gain support as more

traders came to understand it. For me I find the original method is working the best & I am able to scalp out 20-25 pips provided I enter early in the

beginning of a new trend. Scottyb159 I read your post #390 & that is what

I have had the most success with thus far. Now using the new method will

work as well if not even BETTER, but I just prefer the original version. The

key is being correct in the entry.

I would like to say thanks to gofx for compling everything into one location as

that was most needed.

Again, a big thanks to STEINITZ for sharing this method & his daily contributions.

Thanks to all others that in some way add to the method & its progress. You

are what make this thread worth reading & the method worth trading.

Othes item before I close.......on the ForexFactory I posted as AceTrader,

but decided to use $Trader on this forum long before HAS METHOD came to

light & these are the only two handles you will see me post under on these two forums. I do actively use the HAS METHOD, but am also using my own

method that has served me well for several yrs. Having said that I still see

HAS a great stand alone simplistic method that leaves your charts clutter free thereby allowing you to see the price.

No matter what the method, we has traders are the ones that will have to make the trade & take responsibility for the results of those trades. The

great trader Richard Dennis once said he could share his TURTLE METHOD with

100 traders & only a small % would ever have positive results. The METHOD

can be very sound in its design, but that does not insure success as only

the trader has the final call on what to do.

Bottom line is STEINITZ is really a stand up guy that has put together a very

nice simple method & has shared the method. Thank you STEINITZ & all that

contribute & follow the method.



Hi everyone...

Thank you Gofx for these detailled documents... Good job



Modified version

Different forms of HA have been around a long time. I followed FxCruiser's HAMA pad last year and learned alot. Below is a pic of a modified ver that I picked up on Stinko's FF thread and he banned this guy from posting on his thread and asked him to leave. "Goldenequity", his screen name, even published a real p/l showing a profit of over 75k in a month trading his "randycandles" and Stinko was so egotistical that he asked the guy to leave. Stinko is a clown and yes he is gathering emails. He is self centered and has done nothing but put a few indicators on a chart and is now calling himself the Messiah.


Would you be kind and share the temple or indicators shown in your pic, I like the clarity of it



Wow, nice template

If anyone cares I will attach my latest platform indicators and template. This is what I have now. This includes a lot of stuff not essential for my method but makes it easier to see the price and other TF's that the HAS MTF cannot monitor. Also a countdown clock.

Hi Steinitz,

i dont have luck with trading, i have used WSS, Hull and many more.

Your temlate with your tradingplan looks very good.

Please tell me your favorit pairs and the timeframe for the savest trading.




As I mentioned in aearlier post, I am having some good success with the original version and using some daily pivots in combination. I am trying out the new system and while it looks good, I need to work on the exit issue. TRight now I am in a GBPJPY trade where I was up 50 pips this monring and it turned down about 200 pips from that point. Now I believe its goen around 75 from my entry. At same time I did some shorter term trades that were sucessful. The new strategy wont be for the faint of hear to withstand the drawdown at the beginning of the trade. I am wondering if anyone has plotted weekly or monthly pivots on their chart to see if we can fine tune the exit and possible reentry in the new method. Can someone attach indicators for a weekly and wmonthly pifvot and Ill look at it as well.


Ohm btw while I was typing all of this the GBP rallied up about 40 pips. I had a short term long that made me 70 pips and since I added on to my 2nd method trade I am now back in the positive on that one. Like I said before this is not for the faint hearted. I believe I could have done much better if I had used my above exit technique. Although trading the first method in conjunction to the second is basically the same thing.


Someone may have looked at this, but I am considering (for new method)...Assume I have blue on monthly, weekly, and daily...I drop down and get first red on 4h, I enter based on 1st blue on 1hr. for my exit...I will exit if on the 30 min I get a red showing on bottom 2 lines. I will reenter when I get the next blue (assuming I havent turned red on the daily)

Does this make sense?


The Trend Is Your Friend

What am I doing wrong? Everyone seems to be doing well using this method except me, so I am screwed up somewhere. I have read this thread back and forth like 5 times as well as the word doc.

I went long at the green vertical bar because of the 1st blue bar in the 30M time frame. Was that correct?


I would suggest looking at the overall trend, the weekly is probably the most important, look at the signal bars in the top left of the attached screen, it shows the trend is down! Trading with the trend increases your probability.

If you do trade against the overall trend I would recomend using a shorter time frame!

Hope this helps!

usd_jpy.gif  26 kb