Traders joking, the beginning - page 410



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Bieber and Bloom got into a fight. Luckily, a stranger broke it up. He said, "Girls, girls, stop it . . . I mean gentlemen."
Yesterday the House of Representatives voted to sue President Obama for abusing his executive powers. Experts are calling this a meaningless political stunt that's a huge waste of taxpayer money, while Congress is saying, "Yep. That's what we do."


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The House voted 225-201 to sue President Obama. That's the bad news. The good news is that Congress actually passed something.
A woman in Oklahoma called police to complain about the quality of her meth. I'm thinking: How bad could the meth be if it made her high enough to call the cops and complain about it?


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Congress is about to head off on their August recess, which seems appropriate. Adults go on vacation, children go on recess.