Traders joking, the beginning - page 202


looks like everyone in the Eurozone is getting screwed....

and what goes around (usually) comes around - so hopefully those that have made this almighty mess, get what they deserve

on the plus side, Greece's "tourists" might be up this year


private eyes are watching you teenager


I just bought a house of the rising sun near Fakashima Japanese Bond Market Halted At Open As Bond Selling Purge Goes Global | Zero Hedge


oldies but goodies...


why do photoshoppe artists nowdays do not study basic proportion of the human body? relation of the size of the head to the rest of another human being?


just need another post but the pic is nice anyway

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President Obama gave the commencement address at Morehouse College over the weekend. Great speech, very inspiring. He told the young graduates their future is bright — unless, of course, they want jobs.



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