Traders joking, the beginning - page 37

Look on the image. If something is moving here very fast it means that you are under stress. And you are fully under stress if the movement is very fast.

If nothing is moving for you on those images - you are almost dead.

It looks funny! and it works for me!

It looks funny! and it works for me!


Photo Courtesy of Men In Black

Knock at the door: Yes

Are you Mr. Guy, Yes

We are from the Government

What do you want?

How many in the house?

My wife and me.

Ok, Have you paid your taxes?

Yes I have.

No you haven’t, because a Bailout Deal (A secret or underhanded agreement or bargain)

Has been made by the Government. You owe $2,333.33 Dollars per person additional.

Do you trade Forex? Yes! What currency do you trade? Many. You will be trading only 1

Currency from now on. Which one? Chinese.

Well, how long will this additional tax go on? FOREVER. It’s going to be a 1-world government. The Government has settled this for you.

What if I don’t pay? Do the words Confiscation, Siberia, or Gulag ring a bell?

We are watching you and all taxpayers!

Mr. Guy: Look at this “Flashy Thing” Poof! You will comply with our request.

Not so funny !

Sounds near like futur reality!

Slave gouv whit loan to let private compagnies rules all!

Not so funny !

Sounds near like futur reality!

Slave gouv whit loan to let private compagnies rules all!

Silence, Piker! Get your butt back in your cubicle!

Kenny Rogers:
Silence, Piker! Get your butt back in your cubicle!


Sorry i won't do it again!

Don't froze my bank account plz!!!!


^ I'm glad it gave you a chuckle, and you didn't take it the wrong way.

/put Inzider on THE MAN's watchlist. CHECK!

/put his account on freeze. CHECK!

Kenny Rogers:
^ I'm glad it gave you a chuckle, and you didn't take it the wrong way.

/put Inzider on THE MAN's watchlist. CHECK!

/put his account on freeze. CHECK!

Its the joke thread

By the way, i decide to make my self a statue since my bank account is freez. I'll cut a piece each time i need to eat.

You like it?


^ Too bad it is chocolate underneath all that gold foil.

The cape is a good touch though.

Kenny Rogers:
^ Too bad it is chocolate underneath all that gold foil. The cape is a good touch though.


you think i been screw?

I hope there will be a BIG inflation on chocolat then...



We're completely sure about this uncertainty. And we think it will continue maybe.