Traders joking, the beginning - page 252


John Kerry has given Syria one week to hand over its chemical weapons. And if they don’t . . . he'll give them another week.




In New York, former Congressman Anthony Weiner became the first candidate to concede in his bid to become the Democratic candidate for mayor. Weiner got less than 5 percent of the vote and came in fifth. There's got to be something else he can run for. I have 3,000 more Anthony Weiner jokes.




Plans are being discussed for a reality show based on the White House. It’s called “Lame Duck Dynasty.”


an apple a day keeps doctor away...


A Senate panel working on laws to protect the media has agreed on an official definition of a journalist. The new official definition of a journalist is a blogger wearing pants.

A Senate panel working on laws to protect the media has agreed on an official definition of a journalist. The new official definition of a journalist is a blogger wearing pants.

LOL mate....

Look on the image. If something is moving here very fast it means that you are under stress. And you are fully under stress if the movement is very fast. If nothing is moving for you on those images - you are almost dead.

its like they are moving huh. like it..


In Canada, a man was attacked by a polar bear and he scared it off with his cellphone. Apparently the bear got frightened when he saw the two-year contract.