Traders joking, the beginning - page 182



While at a fundraiser, President Obama called California’s attorney general, Kamala Harris, “the best-looking attorney general ever." after the comment, the Secret Service added extra security to protect the president from first lady Michelle.



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The consequence of negative pips.


Statement of the future times to come :

The good news: Cyprus will have at least another 4 or so tons (if gold)after selling the 10 demanded now,before the Troika kindly requests that Cypriot citizens sell a kidney or two to pay for the ongoing deposit outflow from its insolvent banks, and indirectly, the endless bailout of the Euro.

Here We Go: Cyprus To Sell €400 Million In Gold, About 75% Of Its Total Holdings, To Finance Part Of Its Bailout


There's this trend now of politicians cutting their salaries by 5 percent because of budget cuts — except for Vice President Joe Biden. He won't do it. Though in fairness, it’ll take Biden at least a month to figure out what 5 percent of his salary is.



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