How to trade with 'Trend Traffic'. - page 8



please write rules for trading with trend traffic(show with image).

thank you


Custom indicators

Hi Shahzadfx and others,

Firstly I would like to say well done on the trend traffic indicator, it seems like a well thought out indicator.

How relaible have you found this indicator to be with your own trading?

I have only just stumbled across metatrading indicator creating and this website.

How easy or difficult is it to learn with Metatrader to program your own indicators such as the one that you guys have been working on and fine tuning?

I currently use intellichart by, and i think that there is a custom indicator option with this chart based on java.

Is metatrader one of the best to use and learn?

Your thoughts on this matter would be much appreciated.



metatrader programming


Thanks for your reply and your thoughts on this sort of programming too. I will look into this metatrader mql stuff further.


Hi Shahzadfx,

First of all I'would like to thank you for opening this tread. I think that this indicator has a good potential. I had some problems in setting the values for different time tables. Please could you be kind enough and list the values for 15m,30m,60m and 4h? Thank you


Profit, Profit, and Profit only

Hi guys,

I am back again.

Set TT time on 240.

Set Fast EMA on 18 and slow on 28.

Follow the rules on picture.

You will see how much profitable it is. I have been damoing it a lot. With good money mgmt you will see it is pip monster.

If you follow the rules it will keep you from lot of whipsaw and it will avoid ranging market. I agree all indicators arelagging but if the indicator is capturing trend rightly then we can make lot of pips.

Please follow the rules, demo it and let me know what you guys feel about it. I need energy to keep up so please, please i need feedback a lot of feedback about how this is going.

Thank you,


dis.gif  33 kb


Lets see what will happen to this one.

shortjpy.gif  25 kb
Lets see what will happen to this one.

I am closing it at no profit and loss. I can keep it open as long term trend is down still don't want to take chance. It is almost breakeven trade. Looking for next setup now.



Another one.

I am using 30m chart, with LT 60.


longeur.gif  20 kb

I missed this one.
