Latest news in Elite and Advanced Elite sections - page 248


Dynamic zone of ocean natural moving average

Advanced elite


A dynamic zone of ocean natural moving average with pre and post smoothing was posted in advanced elite section.


Cfb Adaptive T3 Velocity mtf

Cfb Adaptive T3 Velocity Histo mtf

Advanced elite


Cfb adaptive T3 velocity regular version and histo version were updated and also interpolated multi timeframe added.


Cfb Adaptive CCI

Cfb Adaptive Smoothed

Advanced elite


Cfb adaptive cci and Cfb adaptive smoothed CCI was posted in advanced elite section


What Mark Jurik says about cfb

What is the Theory Behind CFB ?

CFB tells you how long the market has been in a quality trend. This value can be used to adjust the period length of other indicators, especially stochastic bands.

In order to quantify the overall duration of a market's trend, we replaced classical cycle analysis methods (FFT, MEM, MESA) with a form of analysis that works even when no cycles exist. We accomplished this by examining a time series for specific fractal patterns of any size. We then gather all the patterns found and combine them into one overall index, CFB (Composite Fractal Behavior) Index.

For good reason, CFB does not analyze time series data for dominant cycles. Classical cycle analysis examines data points (e.g. prices) and estimates the average presence of a cycle in the window. Now suppose a cycle with a period length of 9 days was strong for 50 days and then disappeared for the next 14 days. Because the cycle was present for 50 out of the last (50+14=64) days, the average presence of that cycle would be measured as "strong" even though it does not exist anymore!

Does CFB find the Dominant Cycle ?

No! Consider the following discussion about the MYTH of exploiting dominant cycles.

It is true that the market does have predictable cycles due to its "structural" or physical nature. For example, quarterly earning cycles, triple witching cycles, Federal Reserve meetings, weekly cycles, political election year cycles, the annual end-of-year stock dumping cycle, sunspot cycles, and the slow Kitchin (3-5 years), Juglar (7-11 years), Kuznet (15-25 years) and Kondratieff (45-60 years) cycles. They are very predictable and the markets readily discount their presence as far ahead in time as is reasonable. So there's not much left with regard to those cycles for you to exploit.

What traders see as cycles on an hourly chart, for example, is a different matter. The big, obvious cycles you see on price charts are actually the result of a combination of many weak cyclic forces that sometimes line up in phase to produce APPARENT dominant cycles that suggest the presence of a strong structural cycle that, in fact, does not exist. The slightest shifting in phase of any one component (due to crowd psychology, unscheduled events, etc.) will significantly alter the structure of the apparent dominant wave. This may drive the cycle into a "null" or random period, then reappear, completely out of phase. Now you see it ... and now you don't.

The transitory nature of these apparent dominant cycles makes their automated detection difficult and forecast unreliable. Sometimes cycle forecasting tools appear accurate and other times they are totally off mark. The reason is that tools designed to spot dominant cycles will announce whatever they find, even if they are only apparent (not structural) and transitory. For example, such tools would have no problem detecting cycles in the six charts below. But there is just one problem --- the slow cyclic price action in the six charts below is *impossible* to project into the future with any reasonable accuracy!

How would I use CFB's results ?

CFB produces a value proportional to a time series' trend duration. This value is in units of TIME, as measured in bars on a chart. Because CFB's output is in units of time and not price, CFB offers a unique window into a new dimension for representing signal behavior.

Investors have discovered many profitable ways to apply CFB:

* To auto-adjust the lookback of classical indicators, such as RSI

* To auto-adjust the lookback depth of breakout channels in trending markets

* To auto-adjust the minimum amount of retracement needed to reverse position

Making a profit in the market requires your finding a unique niche that very few other people are exploiting. CFB offers this unique perspective.

Do I specify a "period length" for CFB?

In CFB, period length determines how many bars (time slices) are examined for specific fractal patterns. Due to the complexity of the algorithm, CFB permits only four period lengths: 24, 48, 96, 192. The 24-bar version can see trend fractals up to 24 bars wide, and so on.


cfb_ccis.gif  24 kb

Step Stochastic_mtf+line+alerts

SupertrendX - alerts+bars+label

Elite Section


Step Stochastic with multi timeframe alerts and lines was posted in Elite section the step stoch uses the Atr of averages in its calculation with a choice of 18 different moving averages.

Also SupertrendX with alerts+bars+label was posted, its using a different supertrend calculation and you have a choice between supertrend lines, supertrend bars, or both. Its mtf with all the alerts.

st_and_ss.gif  24 kb

Natural moving average (NMA)

Tradestation versions ...


Tradestation version of Jim Sloman's natural moving average (NMA) with some additions posted and downloadable from this post :

ts_nma.gif  38 kb

Kase peak oscillator ...

Advanced elite section


Upgraded Kase peak oscillator uploaded to advanced elite section. here is a good public version of Kase peak oscillator too (at this thread : ) but this one is "to the letter" version of the oscillator as it was described by Cythia Kase

kase_peak.gif  41 kb

Labtrend 4.02

Elite Section


A mod of Labtrend was posted in Elite section today, this last version was using bars, this version is using candles which are colored according to the trend determined by the dots. Labtrend is an elite version of Braintrend.


Labtrend Histo

Elite Section


Labtrend Histogram version with multi timeframe and alerts was posted in Elite section today.


Advanced elite


Upgraded rsi t3 indicator posted at advanced elite section. Rsi t3 is not a t3 smoothed indicator but is changing the way how original Welles Wilder's rsi is calculated and instead of using Wilders EMA (or better known as SMMA on metatrader) it uses T3 instead (with an option to use Fulks/Matulich version or original Tim Tillson version)

rsi_t3.gif  32 kb

Advanced elite


A version of ocean ncx was posted in advanced elite section this version using jurik smoothing and it's a histogram version with multi timeframe
