Astro... - page 4

Just wondering what an 'extremum' is?

Extremum: an extreme point

Extreme point: any of the maxima or minima of a function

At that time, on March 12, in message #24 I've meant the top or bottom will be reached at those days (March 25).

Today, as of March 23 2006 I guess this means a high for everything that starts from USD (USD/JPY) and low for all the pairs end in USD (EUR/USD).


Thank you for answering mate...



@ Bogdan

I'm waiting for the USD/JPY extremum on March 25. Since it is Saturday, consider Friday or Monday.


a hit?



Hi guys,

very interesting conversation going on here... i've been interested in it for some time myself, but i've unfortunately lacked the time to go through it myself. it does not help that it is a subject frowned apon by most traders, which means that i've been on my own regarding the research of the viability of these methods. if you ask a question about how, say, stochastics or RSI work on the forums, you'll most likely have 100's of replies by the end of the day. on the other hand, ask a question about the impact of planetary angles on the financial markets, you'll mostly get an answer like: "bugger off, it does'nt work." and then told to go and do some "real" research.

anyways it's nice to find some (mostly) likeminded people

how does the idea of using a neural net using astro inputs to calculate forecasts sound to you all??

it had me salivating when i first saw it.... called NeuralHit! it is made by the "Center for temporal research", a company that seems to have close ties to the Russian Academy of Astronautics the president of the company is is Yuri Petrov... (former Chief of Staff to the Russian President for those of you who don't know...)

They claim to, with a 80% accuracy, predict price movements 3 weeks into the future (!!), but it costs £10,000

anyways... i eventually got hold of a copy, and after many many furstrations with data import i gave up. (it works fine with it's own ascii data, but as soon as i enter my own, identically formatted data, it bombs out...) if you feel you want to give it a shot, send me a mail at[at]

here is a few links for those of you interested:

Have fun!


thanks Bogdan for sharing this site

I will look into it cause I think the influence

of stars and astrology itself overlap with the market movement


Most interesting discussion, I am moving my trading methods more and more over to astro-trading foundations, unfortunately, as it was mentioned earlier, it is frowned upon by so many so there is not a lot of quality discussion on the subject.

Bogdan's New Moon method is something I have looked into, and historically there is some real validity to it, I also use some aspects of Moon and Mercury, as well as Moon and True Node with good results. I don't profess to understand all the ins and outs of the reasons why it works, as long as it does

In an attempt to get some quality discussion going I have just opened a new forum specifically for this type of trading style in the last couple of days if anyone wants to pop over for a visit (



Great free contribution to AstroForex

Vedic Astrology, Completely follows moon cycles and phases unlike western astrology which uses sun as the main transit point of reference.

I do not have much knowledge about astrology nor about FOREX...BUT from what little I learned from both gave me very good results.

For example. The period of complete darkness of moon or Amavasya (as called in India, is a very unfortunate period). It is the day just before the The New moon, which is very disturbing and unfortunate for any activity and I always end up on a losing side.

On the other hand, If you trade on the very next day, The New moon. It gives excellant results every time and time again.

This has being proved by bogdan's site, which I got to know much later. he also showed his profit go up everytime he traded on the New moon day.

On this day, I feel no one can go wroung, even with minimal knowledge of forex, if you want to pick up or down market..subconsiously, you will pick up the right winning trend. It has happened to me many many times.

The only thing is we miss this date quite often, 'cos after a very bad trade the day before the New Moon, we hesitate to make a new trade or even if we do trade, we close it early to make up for the losses. Infact this is the day, we should go all out and cover our losses and make some good profits too

The New Moon day and The Full Moon day are excellant for trading and AVOIDING at all cost the bad day "Amavasya" we could see our profit rise.

To find out which is the NEW Moon and Full Moon on a perticualar day.

You can use this free site:

If you are more curious and dive deep into Indian astrology you can surf around and find some good info on moon astrology.

See the table Panchang Online and refer to the Tidhi: If its Pratipat(1) the good day. If you see Amavasya (15) avoid at all cost.

Now, some very Interesting phenomena, which are not present in western astrology as they do not follow the moon cycles.

Its called "Ekadashi" in Indian Astrology.

It is the day on which the Moon is right on top of our body or at the centre of earth based on your location. It is the day when our energies are balenced and we tend to concentrate more on the subject. Its the day of fasting as we get closer to the supreme being as our energies at this time are at the centre of our body.

I found out, during this period, which accours twice a month, we have very good trades as our concentration level is higher....if you go back to your succesfull trading days...and check the can connect the strings is very true....:)

So, Ekadashi(Twice a month), New Moon, Full Moon are the four should blast out on FOREX and WIN !!

Amavasya, Once a month is the day to avoid at all cost.

here is the site for quick reference:

If we follow these dates religiously, folks, we will always be on the winning side.

Good Day !!

I will post this on bogdan and Akuma forums to get their views



Thanks for the information.


How to trade EUR/USD using the Moon phases

The link changed. Read this message