CatFx50 - page 75


Concerning Juice

Hi Nina,

I undestood you and have made some changes in code.

Now only lines. May be it will be better.


Hi Nina,

I undestood you and have made some changes in code.

Now only lines. May be it will be better.


Hi, mate!

This is much better.

Just to clarify:

Orange horizontal line

Is it the average of the CalcBars chosen?

Green line

It is the Juice.

Instead of a line, could it be bars, like in standard juice?

Thank you?



Some explanations:

Orange Line = Ks * Average(CalcBars)

Green histogram = Juice or Standard Deviation

Some explanations:

Orange Line = Ks * Average(CalcBars)

Green histogram = Juice or Standard Deviation


Well done, mate. You are one of the best MASTERS of MT4.



Some explanations:

Orange Line = Ks * Average(CalcBars)

Green histogram = Juice or Standard Deviation

Well done Igorad !



sorry but could someone explain the useage of juice or lead me to a page where i can read up on it ?????

Thank You Pat

Hi, LazyPawn!

You are right. But I have said clearly somewhere in the thread that CatFX50 entries give at least 10 pips 8/9 times out of 10. So we have here a minimum.

Then, we have FiboPivots and a S/L of 34 pips just is case. And then, LazyPawn, we should have common sense.

Today, for instance, Market is thin; we are in consolidation mode so far. Our three pairs are trading between Pivot and FibR1 or between FibS1 and Pivot.

Market is flat. It always goes like this: after a big shot, we have a break. It's up to us to trade with our systems when we face this market or to wait for a rush or for a break of last lows/highs.

I trade multi lots. I use to close my first when I have +10 and so on.

Anyway, thank you for your contribution to this thread.


I don't want to undermine your thread. I think you are doing a nice job and you deserve credit for sharing your idea. I just want to point out that we need a clear strategy for exit, not just for entry. Without it, we cannot know how good the system is.

To give you a hypothetical example. Let's say we set our stop loss at 35 pips, and enter 3 lots with targets of 10, 20 and 50 pips. When the trade goes against us, we lose 3*35=115 pips. When it goes perfectly we get only 10+20+50 = 80. So we would need to make sure that from the moment of entry reaching +50 happens much more often than reaching -35, and that's not sure.

Or let's take another case. You get the 10 pips 90% of the time. But what happens to lots 2 and 3? are they stopped out at -35, or do you set your SL to breakeven as soon as you get the +10 pips? You see, sometimes the price gets to +10, then back to 0, then shoots to +80. You would count it as +80 in your theoretical model, but in fact it could be +10, or even worse, -60 (if we didn't move the SL to breakeven for lots 2 and 3).

So I am trying to make you people understand that you can turn a brilliant idea into a losing system if the exit strategy is not well defined and documented. I don't want to argue, I just think that you should focus more on exits rather than adding new indicators to entry.

I don't want to undermine your thread. I think you are doing a nice job and you deserve credit for sharing your idea. I just want to point out that we need a clear strategy for exit, not just for entry. Without it, we cannot know how good the system is.

To give you a hypothetical example. Let's say we set our stop loss at 35 pips, and enter 3 lots with targets of 10, 20 and 50 pips. When the trade goes against us, we lose 3*35=115 pips. When it goes perfectly we get only 10+20+50 = 80. So we would need to make sure that from the moment of entry reaching +50 happens much more often than reaching -35, and that's not sure.

Or let's take another case. You get the 10 pips 90% of the time. But what happens to lots 2 and 3? are they stopped out at -35, or do you set your SL to breakeven as soon as you get the +10 pips? You see, sometimes the price gets to +10, then back to 0, then shoots to +80. You would count it as +80 in your theoretical model, but in fact it could be +10, or even worse, -60 (if we didn't move the SL to breakeven for lots 2 and 3).

So I am trying to make you people understand that you can turn a brilliant idea into a losing system if the exit strategy is not well defined and documented. I don't want to argue, I just think that you should focus more on exits rather than adding new indicators to entry.

Hi, LazyPawn!

You are not undermining anything.

For me, as said at the very beginning, it is mandatory to have a good entry. CatFX50 gives it. Now, we need a documented exit. You do not go to war (well, Bush does) without an exit.

We have now new Juice with "average filter" and soon we'll have a new Fisher with upper and lower bands.

Let's wait, but if you have an idea, just post it.



Hi, LazyPawn!

You are not undermining anything.

For me, as said at the very beginning, it is mandatory to have a good entry. CatFX50 gives it. Now, we need a documented exit. You do not go to war (well, Bush does) without an exit.

We have now new Juice with "average filter" and soon we'll have a new Fisher with upper and lower bands.

Let's wait, but if you have an idea, just post it.



Thanks Nina. I agree.

Here's what I found out so far that can help us with exits: the entry is almost always good for a 10 pip win, but if we are trying to get more it becomes "random". Sometimes we get 30, or 50, or even 100, but some other times the price drops back after a few pips to the 50 MA and moves in the other direction. It seems to me that aiming for larger targets is risky, even if we use multiple lots, the 2nd and 3rd... can get stopped out.

But if we take a 10 pip target with a 20-30 pip stop loss, from my calculations the system performs very well. I know that 10 pips sounds almost like scalping, but it's not. If we follow exactly Nina's entry signal, we get +10 pips about 6-8 times more often than we get -30. So, out of 7 trades we could have 6 winners (60 pips) and 1 loser (-30). Overall a nice expectancy! It's also easy because you don't have to watch other signals for exit, or manage multiple lots. Just put your SL and target from the start and relax.

I started to use this system on a demo account using this "scalping" technique which looks good in backtesting, now let's see how it performs in forward testing. There is no point in saying that 10 pips is not much, because you can enter a larger position size to make it as many dollars as you want. I know that my suggestion is one that most people will dislike, because it's so nice to see those long runs for 100 pips and more... but if you wait for those runs you also lose a lot more often and the expectancy seems to be worse. Please take this only as a personal observation, it can be wrong - feel free to experiment and test your own strategies.



Today, CatFX50 has given nice pips again (hypothetycally).

I think that CatFX50 has proved it gives gorgeous entries.

I think somebody else could take the lead now and could post the daily recap.

