Which coder is better? - page 2

I've also already ask for an arbitration - as I remind I've lost it -  the coderess wasn't respecting the delays and has finally no idea about what I asked - but I don't care - I closed the thing and find by myself a way to achieve what I did wish - Rprop, it's not rprop, it's rprop-like I did, but it goes just fine.

Why don't you code just for yourself ? You get your failure directly on your account, so on for your success.
Icham Aidibe:
I've also already ask for an arbitration - as I remind I've lost it -  the coderess wasn't respecting the delays and has finally no idea about what I asked - but I don't care - I closed the thing and find by myself a way to achieve what I did wish - Rprop, it's not rprop, it's rprop-like I did, but it goes just fine.

Why don't you code just for yourself ? You get your failure directly on your account, so on for your success.

when you have asked for an arbitration?

you haven't any jobs on your profile except that outdated one!!

Mohammad Soubra:

when you have asked for an arbitration?

you haven't any jobs on your profile except that outdated one!!

Yes few times ago. I've removed it. And I don't find the link to remove that one either, don't even know if it's possible : I'm kinda a neat-freak.

I have selected the second opinion:

  • Who has more approved/published products?

because I have experienced that point

I am not a coder, but I have more personal knowledge in coding (at least here)

I tried to publish some products but I found it is not easy as only to create them

they would be deeply tested by the site moderator and he may asks to modify something to fit the site market rules

so, the market coder is better than the freelance one 


I have selected the second opinion:

  • Who has more approved/published products?

because I have experienced that point

I am not a coder, but I have more personal knowledge in coding (at least here)

I tried to publish some products but I found it is not easy as only to create them

they would be deeply tested by the site moderator and he may asks to modify something to fit the site market rules

so, the market coder is better than the freelance one 

Except you have no idea who is the coder of a Market's product.
Alain Verleyen:
Except you have no idea who is the coder of a Market's product.

It is easy

by looking to the profile ;)

you could know who is the coder

suppose the market publisher is also doing freelance jobs then he is (for sure) the coder for his published products 

Or what? 


It is easy

by looking to the profile ;)

you could know who is the coder

suppose the market publisher is also doing freelance jobs then he is (for sure) the coder for his published products 

Or what? 


I may be imagining it, but I think I saw reference to an idea of having MetaQuotes-approved developers. I suppose that could be a good metric, depending on how it is implemented.

Any information about the MetaQuotes-approved developers.
Mohammad Soubra:
Any information about the MetaQuotes-approved developers.

Nope, I just thought I saw it mentioned in a thread recently 

Maybe @Alain Verleyen knows something? He's generally the oracle on such things.

Finally the best coder would be the one who can makes the same thing than you on your 2gb config with 1gb. Decisive argument.

He may also have no market product, no codebase, not a highly-rated profile, no jobs even no post on the forum.

The kind of guy writing a code, even with the documentation, you're wondering : "damn, what he meant ?" You see that kind of code, with no \n. Creepy ! brrrr ... ;)