expert advisor - miscellaneous questions - page 6


I am trying to make lot reset button, but I need to get much better result then this, but I can't.
( I do not like all my ea's and indicators Button objects because all of them very ugly like this one. )

I need two things from you guys who can help and gives me good advice, please I really need your help.
I spent a lot of time, and I can't figure out what is a problem with my code.

Thanks in advance.

//--- second time edited - while I write this comment maybe I was snoozing...

ObjectCreate     ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJ_BUTTON           , 0, 0, 0           );
ObjectSetString  ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_TEXT         , "x"               );
ObjectSetString  ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_FONT         , "Verdana"         );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_FONTSIZE     , 14                );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE    , 16                );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE    , 16                );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_XSIZE        , 18                );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_YSIZE        , 18                );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_CORNER       , CORNER_LEFT_UPPER );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_COLOR        , White             );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_BGCOLOR      , Black             );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_BORDER_COLOR , Black             );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_STATE        , false             );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_BACK         , false             );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_SELECTABLE   , false             );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_SELECTED     , false             );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_HIDDEN       , true              );
ObjectSetInteger ( 0, "button lot reset", OBJPROP_ZORDER       , true              );
  1. If it's hidden, how can you see and click on it?
  2. ZORDER isn't boolean, it's an int 0...
//| Create the button                                                |
bool ButtonCreate(const long              chart_ID=0,               // chart's ID
                  const string            name="Button",            // button name
                  const int               sub_window=0,             // subwindow index
                  const int               x=0,                      // X coordinate
                  const int               y=0,                      // Y coordinate
                  const int               width=50,                 // button width
                  const int               height=18,                // button height
                  const ENUM_BASE_CORNER  corner=CORNER_LEFT_UPPER, // chart corner for anchoring
                  const string            text="Button",            // text
                  const string            font="Arial",             // font
                  const int               font_size=10,             // font size
                  const color             clr=clrBlack,             // text color
                  const color             back_clr=C'236,233,216',  // background color
                  const color             border_clr=clrNONE,       // border color
                  const bool              state=false,              // pressed/released
                  const bool              back=false,               // in the background
                  const bool              selection=false,          // highlight to move
                  const bool              hidden=true,              // hidden in the object list
                  const long              z_order=0)                // priority for mouse click
//--- reset the error value
//--- create the button
            ": failed to create the button! Error code = ",GetLastError());
//--- set button coordinates
//--- set button size
//--- set the chart's corner, relative to which point coordinates are defined
//--- set the text
//--- set text font
//--- set font size
//--- set text color
//--- set background color
//--- set border color
//--- display in the foreground (false) or background (true)
//--- set button state
//--- enable (true) or disable (false) the mode of moving the button by mouse
//--- hide (true) or display (false) graphical object name in the object list
//--- set the priority for receiving the event of a mouse click in the chart
//--- successful execution

Please you can just use the function from the documentation 'as is' to create the buttons just add it at the bottom of your code and you can call the function and pass the parameters.

So then you can just call:



  1. If it's hidden, how can you see and click on it?
  2. ZORDER isn't boolean, it's an int 0...
Hidden is just hidden in the object list.
  1. If it's hidden, how can you see and click on it?
  2. ZORDER isn't boolean, it's an int 0...

Thanks I fixed it, just it was a mistake.


Marco vd Heijden:

Please you can just use the function from the documentation 'as is' to create the buttons just add it at the bottom of your code and you can call the function and pass the parameters.

So then you can just call:


Thanks Marco that will help me a lot, and my EA's codes looks like cleaned up.
Also I need to ask about below code, what is it, how is it work? (  even I read about that but I don not understand more clearly  )

Please explain it bit more, thanks in advance.

ObjectSetString ( 0, name, OBJPROP_TOOLTIP , tip );


Also I need to use void instead of bool like below code so which one is good?

bool ButtonCreate(...)

// or

void ButtonCreate(...)

The function either returns true or false depending in whether the button creation was successful or not so it depends on you if you want to verify that the button was indeed created.

For the second question the tooltip is what becomes visible when you hover your mouse over the object on the chart.

The way you are working now has limitations.

If you want to expand please read the following articles:!keyword=graphical%20interfaces&module=mql5_module_articles

Marco vd Heijden:

The function either returns true or false depending in whether the button creation was successful or not so it depends on you if you want to verify that the button was indeed created.

For the second question the tooltip is what becomes visible when you hover your mouse over the object on the chart.

The way you are working now has limitations.

If you want to expand please read the following articles:!keyword=graphical%20interfaces&module=mql5_module_articles

Huge thanks.
WOW, man you are going to be my man, Mr. Marco.

( since your first comment - you helped me a lot - you always try to understand my concerns - one more time huge thanks )

Well i just point you to these articles and we should be most thankful to the authors who wrote and also translated them.

I need to use .PNG file format in my EA's code, for LotSize icon.
But I found only .BMP file format, so can someone help me / advice me?

If any comment could quickly much appreciate, just I am hurry a bit more.
Thanks in advance.


I try to if lotsize better then lotvalue 'State true' else 'State false'.
(  when I click 'Reset' object then turn to 'state false' and after I increase lot size state does not turn to true  ) 

Is below code wrong? 

//|     Lot Reset
if ( sparam == _namelotRset )
    if ( _lotSize > _lotValue )
        ObjectSetInteger( 0, sparam, OBJPROP_STATE, true );
    }   //---if Close
        ObjectSetInteger( 0, sparam, OBJPROP_STATE, false );
    }   //---if Close
    _lotSize = _lotValue * _lotMin;

}   //---if Close


//--- second time edited

I try to make turn 'ON OFF' with below code.

ObjectSetString( chart_ID, name, OBJPROP_BMPFILE, on_off, file )

Please see:

For the bitmap issue.

And for the other issue you can splice it into separate parts to set the state outside of sparam.

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types / OBJ_BITMAP
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types / OBJ_BITMAP
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types / OBJ_BITMAP - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5