data mining


hi every body

i want to try data mining

and have some questions:

- is data mining do-able with mql4? or i have to try other softwares

-is there any sample of data mining codes?

- is there any reference to help me with important points which i should consider?

and i thank your kindness for your answers

jiomanjy: i want to try data mining
I doubt you even understand the term. Data mining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

hello again

i don't get it why some people are so arrogant

if you are not going to be helpful, just try to not humiliate others

even if i don't understand the term well (which is not true) these answers which more experienced users give here can be helpful for others who will seek such thing in the future

it's a few days that i have decided learning and testing this way in market, but i don't know if it is possible to do it directly in mql4

and it would be great if i could start with an existing example in neural network in market

thanks to any helpful answer

jiomanjy: i don't get it why some people are so arrogant
Do you really think that you can implement artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and database systems in MT4? That is what the definition requires. I think it is you that's arrogant in your ignorance.


but I've seen some people has made an indicator which does some lighter predictions according to the past record of price in mt4

that's why i asked this question

that maybe mt4 has some abilities which I'm not aware of

and you my arrogant friend, you could simply answer "no, it's not possible" instead of such humiliating way of speaking


but I've seen some people has made an indicator which does some lighter predictions according to the past record of price in mt4. that's why i asked this question

that maybe mt4 has some abilities which I'm not aware of

and you my arrogant friend, you could simply answer "no, it's not possible" instead of such humiliating way of speaking

  1. Pattern recognition is to data mining what a bicycle is to Formula One car. They are both vehicles, but that's where the similarity ends.
  2. Read the documentation (learn to code)
  3. I couldn't answer "not possible," because I had no idea whether you understood the term or not. Apparently you don't.  so no, it's not possible.

but I've seen some people has made an indicator which does some lighter predictions according to the past record of price in mt4. that's why i asked this question

that maybe mt4 has some abilities which I'm not aware of

and you my arrogant friend, you could simply answer "no, it's not possible" instead of such humiliating way of speaking

  1. Pattern recognition is to data mining what a bicycle is to Formula One car. They are both vehicles, but that's where the similarity ends.
  2. Read the documentation (learn to code)
  3. I couldn't answer "not possible," because I had no idea whether you understood the term or not. Apparently you don't.  so no, it's not possible.

thanks for your answer

but i didn't say they are the same

i just said i have seen a pattern recognition code in mt4 and just  asked if mt4 has some more abilities such as possibility of data mining

thanks again fro your answer


hi every body

i want to try data mining


you might want to try look (google) for R (or Matlab), they have dlls which you can call from MT4.

Another subject is "Quantitative trading".

Some examples:




you might want to try look (google) for R (or Matlab), they have dlls which you can call from MT4.

Another subject is "Quantitative trading".

Some examples:



  1. Pattern recognition is to data mining what a bicycle is to Formula One car. They are both vehicles, but that's where the similarity ends.

Please expand on above statement in light of this .. 

The terms pattern recognition, machine learning, data mining and knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) are hard to separate, as they largely overlap in their scope.  


WHRoeder is a little rough around the edges sometimes, but as far as the data mining part, it is very likely to be possible.  Not sure if you are familiar with some of the apps available on the marketplace on MT5 or not WH, but there are quite a few neural network designed things, according to the descriptions.  I will freely admit that I cannot speak knowledgeably about if they are or not by looking at the code, but it seems that more people are making the attempt, and succeeding.

Since MQL4 can use much of the same language as MQL5, I am pretty sure it is possible now, if not yet, then there are people working on it already.

But let's cover your particular brand of "arrogance" here WH.  I did a search on here, and this is what I found.

Artificial intelligence, and machine learning - (since they are basically the same type of setup in programming) from the MQL5 site, and

Statistics - Really? You went here?  That is what 99% or so of the trading systems use in one way or another.  Just so you have nothing to bitch about on this aspect, check out  That was only one of the many choices that came up when doing a search on this.

Database - I can't believe you went here as well, since the price history is basically a database right there, a database most likely to contain the OHL&C (among other information) of the various items traded.  But if you want to go even further, here is something to chew on.  (Also it came up on the MQL5 site, but take a look at the title

As far as WHRoeder's comment about bicycles and Formula One race cars, technically, that is an accurate statement, to a point.  However, if someone didn't bother to invent the bicycle in the first place, then there is very little chance we would even have a Formula One race car.  All this (see above comments from WHRoeder), and they have the nerve to call me a troll ( for reference purposes).