How to temporarily stop an automatic trader - page 2


What counter are you talking about?

Do you have an indicator attached to the chart?

Is the "counter" coded into the indicator? 

The counter is the one coded in my program . Since my program scans order's data on a timer event , to show up that my program is correctly running , I inserted  a counter which increases at every timer tick. and wirtes its value as a comment on the chart.
Now that I think of it, it is better to show us the screenshot of what towmtdj is talking about. Show us. No more guessing towmtdj.

Right deysmacro, I'll wait till monday as the markets open to give you  screenshots of the situations .


Now that I think of it, it is better to show us the screenshot of what towmtdj is talking about. Show us. No more guessing towmtdj.

Is there a way on this forum to paste a screenshot on a reply ? The usual method using the "stamp" function doesn't seem to work ....


 Ok it seems I found it . 

This is the situation at the beginning . As you can see on the expert advisors' list (it's indicated as "Consiglieri esperti" sincemy platform is in italian....) the first

advisor is the "Autotrader-4" which is exactly the program I was developping.

On the chart , top left yu can read "Start : 1000.0" which is a comment wrtten by the program as soon as it starts .....




Now here we are with the program still correctly running after a few seconds : you can still see the Autotrader-4 between the expert advisors, 

and the comment on the top left of the chart which has become : "N:10: Errore 4109 ...." . The number after the "N:.." is the counter I was talking about, 

I use it to be aware of the fact that the program keeps running, as it increases constantly. The following "...Errore 4109"  is just a report of error in sending

orders and we can ignore it.afterafew 


Now here is the situation after cancelling the Autotrader-4 from the expert advisors.

As you can see the program has been correctly deleted from the list .

The counter at this moment has the value 22




How bout show us your code? Please use SRC when posting codes.

I bet it is an easy fix, if you show us your code.


And here we are . The program has been deleted a good 30 seconds ago. But it is still running as you can see from the

value of the counter , which has reached value 28afewseconds 

Moreover, I've seen that, from time to time, the program restarts running even after closing and reopening the Metatrader, even if it has been deleted.

How bout show us your code? Please use SRC when posting codes.

I bet it is an easy fix, if you show us your code.

No problem in showing my code, I'm just wondering ... how can you think it depends on the source code ? There's nothing you can do (and if there is , I sure don't know how to do it) to make your program survive deletion .....